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Hi fellow vapers! ☺

Heya Jackymax...:welcome1:

:newhere:too....and have also only recently quit smoking about a week ago for good. I'm surprised just how easy it was to switch to vaping...it's not bad is it?! I'm also using a Nautilus..the 2 a nd an X on two Aspire mods....so i'll just say good luck to you mate & welcome to POTV...I personally wished that I took this up years ago!

I know right! 36 years smoking and quit totally within a week!

I was lucky to accidentally meet someone who was all over vaping. She sat with me going through Amazon to find my first kit... a total stranger!

2 weeks later she found out I had quit and was ecstatic! I gave her a tip she didnt know too though.... use rubber gloves to open the tank. :D
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