Sorry for the late reply, trying to sort my shit out in personal life.
I got the
nixon (far too tight an airdraw for me, hopefully get that swapped)
Rashomon (I really like this one, seems to give me the best flavour)
Tsunami (could also leave this one, rashomon I'm using at home most nights)
I actually find dripping a pain in the hoop, constantly having to juice, that's why I'm on the search for a squonk mod, I like the idea of it, santa should get me one hopefully. I'm just using coils I bought from Amazon like last year, I bought a bunch for the rta section of the baby beast (currently trying to swap this, it's not for me that tank).
I have 2 cleito 120's, I love this tank, looks good on my aspire speeder which is a great little mod. It's ideal for my work, I drive a lot in the van all over the country. The flavour is brilliant on the 120, I suppose I'm just always on the hint for more, like most vapers I suppose