@lee0405 and welcome to the Planet [emoji4] [emoji106]
As the other Apes have already said, if you buy from the USA and it's over £15 you will definitely be hit with VAT and a customs delay. If you buy from China that will almost certainly not happen.
If you decide to go with FastTech - which I have used multiple times with very few problems (and any I did have were sorted out in the end) - do be aware that as your chosen tank is made by Aspire unless you use bitcoins you will have to do the "gift cert shuffle".
This involves placing an order of non-Aspire items which have the same value and paying with PayPal, then cancelling the order and choosing the gift certificate option. You can then use this gift certificate to pay for the order containing the tank by entering the certificate details on the payment screen.
Sounds a bit complicated, but it's as easy as pie! Be warned though that this method will not work if you pay using a credit or debit card without PayPal, as they can only refund those payments back to the card.
Also until the 31st FastTech have 10% off with the code "CANDY" which you enter at the bottom of the cart.
All the best! [emoji2]