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Hi from Down Under


Mar 12, 2013
Hello, hello!
Learning my way around this forum - lots of great stuff here.
I've been vaping since July last year, but I'm new to vaping nicotine. Been doing that for a week and a bit.

Having fallen off the wagon for a couple of months (boy does the yuk return fast when you smoke for a few weeks!), starting nic was necessary, and I wonder why I didn't just start on it back then. Of course the answer was that I was eventually brought undone by my own pigheadedness :lol:

I'm still working out what's what in terms of hardware. I love my 1100MaH eGo batteries, and am impressed with my new V3 Stardusts (so nice not to have leaky V2s), but am waiting on some carto tanks to try out. I might be too lazy to keep them up, though. My clearos are fab because I can just fill up and go. Yay.

Love the logos, and the forum membership-length names.
I'd be happy to remain Curious George LOL
Hi Essiemessy, welcome to POTV ;) I used to live up the road from you, in Brisbane, hope you like it here, though due to the time difference, I shall currently collapse.
By the way, it might be worth getting modder status, and using the Modders sales forum to update folks on your glass drip tips. And good night from me, folks ;)
Thanks, guys :-)

I'd like to do that down the track, but for now, being a newbie, I'd rather just 'get to know' a bit before going all 'business'. Not really my style to be popping up to just go 'oh hai, wanna buy?' , so there's time enough for that :-)
Hiya and welcome! My dads flying off to your fair land as we speak for 4 weeks. Jealous-me? Just abit :(
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