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Hi From Noobie Slightly Struggling


Feb 12, 2014
Hi all,

Tried pre-filled e-cigs some years ago but gave up cause they made me feel sick. Using e-liquids seemed fairly new and as I had just spent £55 was reluctant to splash out again.

2 months ago, decided to have another go with e-liquids this time as I was about to take a long flight and as not smoking on flights didn't bother me that much, decided it would be a good time to try and quit smoking again.

Went to a shop and bought an ego starter kit along with some juices that I was not able try before buying. As I was on Marlboro Gold, I was recommended USA Mix. Yuk, almost bad enough to send me back to the fags. The other 2 flavours were ok but not great.

When I gave up smoking before, I sucked/ate cinnamon sweets so decided to try cinnamon juice. I was in the US and found a juice that I could sample before I bought it. It was perfect, very satisfying and I could really say I had given up smoking.

Unfortunately I couldn't go back and get some more. Tried a few others that weren't great then tried a couple I thought were good, stocked up and came back to the UK.

I was amazed how vaping had taken off in the US (SW Florida) in the last year. There were many stores that all let you try-before-you-buy. Probably saved me a fortune!!!

Just run out of my first perfect one and discovered the ones I brought back either have a greasy taste or clove taste that I don't like much so not sure what to get now.

I see my biggest problem is getting juices I like.
Have a look at the sample packs that some of the vendors sell like Smokerainbow.com most vapours will try a lot of juices before finding a nice all day vape.

I went from fruit to custard to deserts now I am happy with a tobacco caramel liquid.

All trial and error but the perfect juice for you is out there.
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I agree mate its trial and error i'm scared to veer off that well trodden path of the stuff im used and only because it was one i started on and persevered.
My last foray in to liquids didnt go so well either tasted one called American Red from Totally wicked it was quite nutty and pleasant for a change ,so bought it but after 3 days was pig sick of it, i tend to go for nuetral tastes so give all these flavoured juices a miss.
I would suggest steeping the ones you brought back but didn't like, don't throw them away, they could be used as mixers also. Steeping if you check it out will allow the taste to mature and become more mellow, like a ripe fruit, the taste will change and become less sharp. shake the bottles up then remove the caps, then leave them in a dark, cool cupboard for two weeks, after that time try them again the taste should have changed for the better.
Thanks driver2883 for the welcome and suggestion.

I've checked out Smokerainbow and they do have cinnamon in one of their packs so will give them a go.

Apart from the first USA Mix I got, I've been giving tobacco flavours a miss on purpose. I got to try a lot of flavours in the US most I didn't like, but most of the ones I did like were not something I would want very often.
Hi ecigarcade, I will try steeping as you suggest.

I have mixed the two types I brought back and it does make a more acceptable taste. I only read about giving the bottle a good shake after trying them, so that also might make a difference.
The USA Mix was so disgusting I won't be mixing that with anything!!!

Do juices have a shelf-life especially once opened?
Hey there and welcome! As a few people have suggested in the previous posts steeping can really make a huge difference in the taste, I personally steep mine atleast 7 days before using them. Do you by anychance have a store nearby that stocks liquids? The store i buy all my liquids from has tester tanks for every flavour and its pretty handy, throw a friend tip on there and you can try till your hearts content. Like you i Started on Tobacco flavours my first week and then switched to fruit flavours / deserts ect, Fruits are nice but for daily vaping it can get a little boring, the main 2 flavours i vape on a daily basis are apple pie and custard (from my local store) or monkey jizz (bananna custard) From VapingKing
Ps. most liquids have a decent shelf-life it should state on the bottle the date it was mixed and a use by date :) They should really add an edit post button ^^
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