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Hi from Nottingham

Thanks for the welcome guys, I went and got my first mod.

And oh my god what a difference, When i vape it tastes like the e-liquid for a change!

I went for T-Juice - Jack the ripple and its amazing.

In the end i went for this mod as it was my first and pretty short on cash at the mo; http://coolvape.co.uk/mods/68-sub-2-telescope.html
Well now its come to charging the thing, It wont charge.

Don't know whether its the cheap ass charger i got with it or the battery or im plain putting it in wrong haha.

This is the charger http://i01.i.aliimg.com/img/pb/765/641/565/565641765_787.jpg obv with the english adapter plug.

The light lights up red when plugged in and the battery in but after leaving it over night its not charged one bit..

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