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Hi guys


New Member
Sep 5, 2020
Hello from Brighton, I'm new here, but not new to vaping. I started vaping six years ago to get me off of a 35 year old stinkies habit. But I have all of a sudden got right into vaping as a hobby, rather than just something to keep off the cigs. I'm looking forward to chatting rather than lurking.
Well hello there @Steve.W and a jolly spiffing welcome to the forum wot wot! I'm at the other end of the country from you up in the Toon. What's your setup and what your tipple for liquid?
Hello @Steve.W and welcome to not lurking on POTV. :)

There's always something to get involved with regardless of your vaping preferences and some off topic too :thumbup:
Good evening @Steve.W welcome aboard great you found this wonderful community fantastic bunch of folks here.
Welcome. And yeah, there is definitely a healthy debauchery section here to have fun in
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