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Hi... I just wanted to say hi


Mod Maker
Apr 29, 2014
Hi... my name is Lee, I have been a member of UKV for sometime, but I noticed one of you guys had posted some pictures of mods I make, so I thought I should come and join in over here as it seems such a good place!

I am not joining just to do a bit of advertising, I have been involved with vaping for 4 years now and I honestly don't know why I haven't got involved on POTV before... Anyway, I shall have a look around and get a hang of the layout!
Cheers Lee
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Hi Lash151. Cheers for joining! Not suggesting you should pimp your gear but what is the mod? One more post and your account will fully unlock :D
:welcome1: Hello Lee, Nice to meet you!!!
Hi... I make the Crann and Mor Crann Mod's.. I did post a link to my site but was advised that I shouldn't.... sorry guys, didn't realise. I will apply for Mod Maker status later. If you email me I can send you a link to my site... am I allowed to say that??? Anyway, its good to be here... thanks for the welcome. :)
Hi... I have tried to post a picture... i shall have a look later! Doesn't seem to have appeared!
Sorry man, as a new user your first couple of posts need to be approved by a mod. Give it 5 minutes and it will upgrade itself now. Not sure why the image upload hasn't worked. Just on way home so will have a look this evening. Try again once the account has unlocked maybe ans see if thaf works...
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