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Hi, recent new vaper from East Sussex


Jan 30, 2014
Hi, I just started vaping last Thursday night, after watching ITV's "Tonight" program on the possible dangers of e-cigs. I did try once before, with a company called Sky-Cig, but all they did was take my money & not send me anything, so I didn't get far there. I started with a "10 Motives" Cig-A-Like from my local Tesco, which isn't bad I suppose, & I have since refilled one of the carto's with some cappuccino flavoured juice, which works well when I'm out & about.

Anyway, I'm already onto the 2nd gen devices, I took delivery of my eGo (style) starter kit from a company called First Liquid on Monday morning (fast worker, I know) which came with 2 CE4's & 2 different flavours of juice. & I have also since got myself an iClear 16 dual coil clearo (which came on Tuesday, I think) & now have some more juice flavours & a bottom coil clearo on order.

Quite a lot for one week.
I live down in East Sussex, not far from Eastbourne, but haven't visited any bricks & mortar vape shops yet. My other hobbies are mainly mechanical & engineering based, involving vintage machinery & old motorbikes, but I also have some interest in electrics & electronics. Having said that I'm not sure if I will get into self building mods, but I would like to start making my own juices.

So far I'm enjoying my coffee flavour, but have some cherry & bubble gum e-juices on order (hopefully arriving tomorrow).
Welcome also new person.

And without trying to sound obnoxious, funny, having a go, or any other silly stuff.
Learn to walk before you run. To coin a phrase.
As in, use your new found ego's etc. and enjoy the start of your journey, take time do your research and learn the basic's. Mix ratio's, nicotine strength, coil building. Then when your ready to move up 3rd gen (vari volt/watt) you will need to know about battery care, as well as the afore mentioned.
Wow, a modder is born.

Welcome mate

Is that Ogden NutGone btw

I got my name from the Small Faces album "Odgen's Nutgone Flake", just liked the word & it's stuck with me ever since I started surfing way back in 1998.

I have already done a lot of "academic" type research (for want of a better word), as in reading lots stuff & watching an enormous amount of videos. But obviously, as far as real world research goes (like testing different things for myself) I am just a beginner. Maybe a reasonably well informed beginner, but a beginner nonetheless. & I am enjoying it, so really don't want to rush things too much, but I am quite an obsessive & impatient type of person. I guess this is more of a journey without a destination, so no point in rushing eh?
A localish welcome from Sunny Tunny Wells. :-)

Sent from somewhere in cloudy Kent
Welcome also new person.

And without trying to sound obnoxious, funny, having a go, or any other silly stuff.
Learn to walk before you run. To coin a phrase.
As in, use your new found ego's etc. and enjoy the start of your journey, take time do your research and learn the basic's. Mix ratio's, nicotine strength, coil building. Then when your ready to move up 3rd gen (vari volt/watt) you will need to know about battery care, as well as the afore mentioned.

Finances will slow me down. In fact, they have already. I'm on a tight budget here & have basically spent my tobacco allowance (plus a little more) on what I have so far. The only thing I will be doing for the next month or so will be trying different flavours of pre-mixed e-juice.
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