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Hi Vape Apes

The fishing during the last lockdown here was amazing! Last year. Nobody from Melbourne was allowed up our way so had many places to ourselves. A big res near us filled to overflowing. The native yellowbelly fish in floods swim upstream to spawn but they couldn't get past the spillway there so were in huge numbers and great sizes. We had a ball for weeks going there. I raise my own euro night crawlers and they love them.
A yellowbelly
View attachment 280431
Nice fish and a nice size mate :2thumbsup:
Nice fish and a nice size mate :2thumbsup:
Lovely to eat. But just too cold for them right now, they're in shutdown mode till it warms a bit. I dont blame them.
Getting this most mornings at present.
Roof of my car.

Im not a fan of cold weather at all.
Be your summer there now wouldn't it?
Lovely to eat. But just too cold for them right now, they're in shutdown mode till it warms a bit. I dont blame them.
Getting this most mornings at present.
Roof of my car.
View attachment 280434
Im not a fan of cold weather at all.
Be your summer there now wouldn't it?
It is mate but not seeing much sun here at the moment just the odd day here and there but it feels mild not looking forward to the weather you are getting to cold .
You tried, mate, it was a good effort ............ but you just weren't quite offensive enough to offend me ............... :16: :P

It's fine @Tazz , shit happens, and I missed you, as it goes. ;) :hugs:

It's good to see you back. :)
There are some things im ok at, and some things I suck at. I guess that's one of them. Hey I tried! :13:
Welcome back mate,the place wasn't the same without ya...
there was beer left in the fridge and none of the sheep got pregnant
Thanks guys. I remember you all.
I'll have to think of a new Avatar. My first here was a crazy Chili but I cant find it anywhere on the net!
With covid we were forced out of the town we lived in due to city people leaving from city lockdowns. We were almost homeless. Had tried to find a house for 4 months. The owner of our last waited but was done. Just by chance I met an old friend one day I hadn't seen in years. Told him of our plight and he said "leave it with me". Few weeks later "i got you guys a house in another town, want to see it!?" We were "are you kidding, yeah!"
So here we are, in a tiny town with a post office, pub, bakery and butcher. No house either side or back of us, just open paddocks. Old place, was an old goldrush miners cottage that the owners did up a bit. Built in the 1880s. They did put in an awesome split system heater which is amazing warm thankfully as we get frosts here now in winter that leave my car covered in ice. Rats though, being Aussie bush its full of them. I spent $150 on baits that I rat bombed the perimeter, 10 acres, and also around the old shed and barn area. They were in the roof too but I used an old trick of spraying a full can of surface spray insect repellent into the roof cavity. Doesn't kill them but they hate the smell and exited stage right.
Settling in now.
To be honest, if I hadn't bumped into my friend we'd be homeless for sure. I was about to buy a big tent and camping gear to live in the bush. No joke. Its that bad here now in Central Victoria getting a home.
We are very very thankful I can tell you.

was it this ?
Welcome back @Tazz :2thumbsup:often wondered how you was doing matey,some good vibes going on, pleased you've got lots sorted and have good friends helping you out with a place. Potential homelessness and living in a tent, is like wtf!
Welcome back @Tazz :2thumbsup:often wondered how you was doing matey,some good vibes going on, pleased you've got lots sorted and have good friends helping you out with a place. Potential homelessness and living in a tent, is like wtf!
Thanks mate. Its got stupid here. Always was in recent yrs but that stupid has accelerated since covid. I used to be happy to go shopping in the last town we lived and the two bigger ones an hr drive away. I now loathe the idea of doing so. Iv only bothered to go to the post office in this one once since being here. Hopefully can get away with not needing to for a few more :2thumbsup:
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