Thank you kind people, yes it seems a mammoth task & really should have thought before I posted but hey.... it was late
so far I got evod clearomiser (basic start up I suppose) and looked into the best liquid not cheap & nasty so went for Hangsen no nicotine. Only had it a couple of days so not had enough time to experiment much.... hence the asking for any advice/pointers (short cuts) before I send all hours searching even more and not getting very far.
No I dont want to run before I can walk (not much anyway) just a few hints on starting up.
Looking through the forum and finding so many mods-upgrades & specialist everything, I realise there is much more to charging a battery and dripping in some nice smelling liquid.
We are getting there, very slowly & enjoying reading though all your posts
Thanks for all the welcomes etc, catch up with you all eventually