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High or low Ohm???


Sep 5, 2013
I use a Vamo V3 indoors and egos out and about. The egos freak out with anything more than 2 Ohm.If I put the 2 Ohm evods on my Vamo will I destroy them?I've got replacement coils for the evod, and most of the time I use a vivi nova on the Vamo(2.8 Ohm)Will I wreck smaller resistances by putting too many volts through them?I've ordered a protank and some more evods, with replacement coils. If I get the resistance wrong what will I damage?I've inherited my kit, so its far above my knowledge. Sometimes suck-it-and-see don't workCheers
I tended to recoil Evods to 1.3-1.5ohm

You'll find that your flavour goes off or you get burnt hits before you fry the coil if you slowly ramp up from 6watts.
Anything on the SVD when its set on VW rather than VV ... In VV I have to match the output to the resistance, on ego batteries and with the Oddy usually upto 1.8/2Ohms
There's a long winded answer to this that involves ohms law but in short set your Vamo to watts and the ohms don't matter - just set it to watts and vape at whatever you like.
Since ego batts only put out 3.7v low ohm coils are better and easier for it to handle.

Use higher ohms on VV and VW.

Thanks guys.So, on VW I don't have to worry, will the voltage output be governed by the resistance?If so I can swap my "out-and-about" clearomizer with out any adjustment.Thank you for your fast help.I am a little out of my depth at the moment.
It actually gets really complicated as to whether high or low ohms is better. What you care about is heat since we're using electricity in the battery to make heat in the coil.

Volts ohms watts and all the rest of it kind of get you away from caring about heat.

In an ideal world when you push the button the coil will heat up really quickly to the working temperature and vapourise all of the e-liquid that the wick takes up without overheating and burning the liquid. What that temperature needs to be is very hard to quantify as it varies from user to user and from e-liquid to e-liquid.

All you need to know though is that the lower the resistance of the coil the faster it will heat up and the hotter it will get for a given voltage.

Most eGos use a fixed voltage of 3.7ish volts. Most users prefer the amount of flavour and vapour that you get at around 7 watts power output. So to get that power from a 3.7volt you need a 1.8ohm coil.

If you're using a vamo then set it to use 7 watts and what coil you use doesn't matter. (Make sure to set the vamo to RMS mode by holding in the right hand button for about 10 secs till the display shows N02, N01 is 'average' mode and is waaaaaaaaaaaaay off what it says it is.)

You can't burn a silica wick or coil that badly even at 15watts+ (you can burn e-liquid onto the coil at less than that if the wick isn't keeping up) so on a vamo it's really hard to knacker the coil - the charts like the one KMS linked refer more to cartomisers rather than clearomisers, but they are an excellent guide to start from for clearos as well.

If you use a too high resistance coil then you'll get a weak insipid vape with little to no flavour or vapour being produced. If you burn too much gunk onto your coils then a dry burn clean will usually solve the problem.
Thanks,Works a treat, what's a sensible starting whattage for a newbie?I love this forum, you're all stars.
I vape just about everything on around 8 watts. Start at 6 and increase by half until you find what's right for you. All juices (and you) have a 'sweet spot' but around 7 - 9 is probably the norm. I tend to vape sweet juices around an 8 but tobacco juices I tend to go around 9.
7 watts is a good starting point.

Try at 7 - have a vape. If it tastes burnt go down half a watt. If it tastes OK go up half a watt.

Keep doing that until you find the setting that you like the most.
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