Thanks for all the welcomes! What a friendly bunch.
Currently rediscovering the delights of a hot drink and a smoke. Pre-smoking ban, I used to always go to a cafe or a pub on my dinner break and chain smoke over a brew or pint. I'm still a bit too shy to vape in a cafe or pub or even at my desk when others are around but when I have the office to myself, putting my feet up with a brew and a vape is pretty much heaven right now...
Currently rediscovering the delights of a hot drink and a smoke. Pre-smoking ban, I used to always go to a cafe or a pub on my dinner break and chain smoke over a brew or pint. I'm still a bit too shy to vape in a cafe or pub or even at my desk when others are around but when I have the office to myself, putting my feet up with a brew and a vape is pretty much heaven right now...