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Hoilday vape


Oct 12, 2016
Raspberry mojito going down well

pssst the one on the left is for vaping...

ya supposed to be necking the one on the right

have a great chilled hols sir
(I presume you are a bloke or girl them legs need some serious attention :D)
The one on the left is good to drink 2 100ml aint lasted long

Think I'd prefer the one on the right but to each their own I guess
chilling on a nice steak, good food washed down with good drink

chaining away without a care in the world - bliss

100ml would probably just about last me a fortnight MTL chilling
as you DTL-ing you'd need a couple of bottles at least (maybe more)

hope your juice sees ya through before playing roulette with any local juice if you run out
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