Another piece by Clive Bates "BMJ has misjudged the rise of e-cigarettes -"
Another piece by Clive Bates "BMJ has misjudged the rise of e-cigarettes -"
I would like to raise several concerns about this editorial.
There are thousands of people now using e-cigarettes instead of smoking. A brief search would have turned up hundreds of testimonies from people who have tried everything and have been liberated from decades of smoking by e-cigarettes [1]. The UK surveillance data show no negative effects and it is consistent with e-cigarettes having a beneficial population effect [2]. The top investment analysts attribute at least part of the decline in cigarette sales to the rapid rise of e-cigarettes and some see e-cigarette overtaking cigarettes within a decade. This is not to favour anecdote over evidence, but just to remind the public health establishment and BMJ, that there is a different, far more positive and more life-affirming side to this story than a mere grubby corporate conspiracy.