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Hot legs?


Sep 27, 2014
Hi all,

I'm new to rebuilding and i've been trying to build on the RBA deck of a subtank mini. i've tried 3 times now and on each occasion when i've 'pulsed' the legs have glowed before the centre of the coil (which i know is wrong) and after a few pulses a leg has melted completely! Is this a 'hot leg'? if so whats the cause/remedy? It works fine with the pre-mades that come with it so must be something i'm doing wrong rather than the deck. Been using 28awg kanthal on a 2.5mm Kuro coiler, 6/7 wraps (trying to get about 1.2ohm).

Any advice?
How long are the legs? I keep mine pretty short ( I use drippers not the subtank) have never had this problem since doing so... did have it on a few gennies where I had the coil too far away from the pos and neg posts and same thing happened. .. (coil popped off as leg melted through)
Damn I thought this was going to be a post about ..... Well never mind.

Have you checked to make sure that no part of the coil is touching the deck etc?
Hi all,

I'm new to rebuilding and i've been trying to build on the RBA deck of a subtank mini. i've tried 3 times now and on each occasion when i've 'pulsed' the legs have glowed before the centre of the coil (which i know is wrong) and after a few pulses a leg has melted completely! Is this a 'hot leg'? if so whats the cause/remedy? It works fine with the pre-mades that come with it so must be something i'm doing wrong rather than the deck. Been using 28awg kanthal on a 2.5mm Kuro coiler, 6/7 wraps (trying to get about 1.2ohm).

Any advice?

Have u got any pics u can put up so we can see ur build and point u in the right direction
Have you tried pulsing at a lower wattage/voltage? I've had this happen to me once and I'm pretty sure it was because I had the power too high?
I'm pretty new to this. So prob talking out my arse and I havent got a subtank.

Have you pinched the coil. Pulse fire no need to overdo it then while coil still glowing, and ur finger well away from the switch, pinch coil end to end gently with tweezers to tighten it up try not to rip it off.

Are the screws tightened?
Have you tried pulsing at a lower wattage/voltage? I've had this happen to me once and I'm pretty sure it was because I had the power too high?
^^^^^ as above I had same building coil when I tested it on a mod I use at high watts and forgot to lower power.
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