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How do you decide which vendor you are going to use?

I have seen countless threads on a photography forum I use. If you are going to buy your Grey imports cheaper then expect problems if things go wrong, the likes of Canon will not touch anything under warranty that has not been purchased in the UK. You pays yer money and takes yer chance.

Not entirely true :) They will work on my canon bought in the states!
You Americans do have strange and byzantine gun laws :)

yes and my british born OH and his nephews were shocked to see you could by rifles and ammo...at Wal-Mart... Oh if ASDA was only JUST like Wal Mart!
I'll take a wild guess that not having easy access to guns has been a good thing for me.
I'll take a wild guess that not having easy access to guns has been a good thing for me.
The UK has many stringent gun laws,but that didn't stop a friend of mine losing the plot & gunning down 12 people & injuring 11 others before turning the gun on himself,I was extremely fortunate that day as I was just about to take the dog for a long walk & might have encountered him, & my GF happened to turn on the TV as I was putting on my boots & there was a news-flash warning folks to stay indoors.
Me and my brother in law have had many heated discussions on differing laws in the UK and the former colonies, we decided just to accept the difference and not to debate it any further. Back to the original thread topic, I now browse the forum looking for suppliers that have good feedback on customer service etc and I will now only use them. Customer recommendations are the best way to sort the wheat from the chaff

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