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How do you store your liquid?

I think you're right, it's doubtful the juice has gone off. It keeps for ages. Maybe try out something different?

I've switched over to blueberry and it's fine.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app

This is my set up. :))

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
This is now the extent of my messy collection of everything e-cigs. I need to start buying bigger storage boxes or something...

My e-juice stocks are just now starting to barrel out of control...

How long will pre-mixed keep, anyway?
Wow, some really nice kit collections here....I see you people are all ready for the Post Third World War Apocalypse!!!....haha
KurlMeStoopid, Your collection is Awesome, I am Totally jealous, Love it, True dedication!!.....I will be piling up the pennies to emulate your style from now on!
My juice is all over the place I have bottles by the sofa on the floor, on TV stand, on top of my vivarium's, in the kitchen

shit I need to tidy up and invest in some storage for this lot.
Thats some storage going on.
At home the pen is in my hand or charging and the liquid in my handbag :noob:
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