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How much e-juice do you go through?

I think i get through about 4-5 ml a day, sometimes more, if i am on a late watch (1200-2230) i will near enough chain vape from 1600 onwards as the civvies finish then.
But i do stealth vape alot at work, i am not bothered if people see me, but i am discrete, no one really bothers me otherwise i put my angry face on lol!
But i am now thinking i will drop my strength from 18 down to 12.
I normally do about 20ml in a week tho I've noticed lately that I'm getting through it a bit quicker than that now.
At the minute I'm going through about 30ml every 2 weeks I seem to be Vaping less then usual :)
if its vaping kings monkey jizz or custard, then 4 or 5ml, if anything else, then about 3....although ive got some snowdonia dew and ive done 5 ml in 2 days
Hard to tell really. I have quite a few different tanks and a dripper and I switch juices around a lot during the day. I reckon about 2-4 mil per day. I do think I have calmed down a little since starting vaping though. Used to chain vape so much the heads would get so hot that I would have to switch between them to give each one the chance to cool down a bit. Now I have more batteries though...and more tanks,
I'm using about 10ml a week at 24mg but looking to get down a level to 18 maybe, and only using menthol at the moment, had a few different flavours when i first started gaping and a Coffee left a very unpleasant taste in my mouth so I've been a little wary of other flavours. it was an unknown brand tho and probably bad quality.
im going through about 30ml a week at 10mg strength, but that said now i have discovered squid ink i think that may go up massively.
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