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how much is too much money to spend on a mod?

It's not too much if you can come home all proud, leap through the door with a ta-da and wave it around like a light saber.

It's too much if you have to come home and hide it or lie about it.
I waved this beauty around my bedroom for hours as if it was a light sabre, until i started belting out little mix hits.
When I first started vaping my budget was the amount I used to spend on ciggies, now I just buy when things need replacing.

A lot also depends on your disposable budget.
As long as everything in every day life is covered and it isn't taking away from the family. I personally think as long as can comfortably afford it, it's fine. Or perhaps save for it and treat yourself. I've had mods much dearer than a 100 quid. I've had ones much much cheaper. Price doesn't always reflect a better item. But i like nice vape stuff for me.
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