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how to get new toys into the house WITH OH approval

Miss Pepper

Nov 23, 2013
had a nervous few days trying to hide the nem and associated goodies in the house in case OH saw them and thought i had spent loads. Over the last few days ive gone from being able to keep my gear in my small handbag and a wooden box. However due to various purchases its been difficult to keep all my goodies together.

Yesterday i popped to my gillage to buy a toolbox, but ended up back at home with drill bits, bags, nail clipper / tweezers etc set

So i now have a juice box, empty juice bottle tub, bag for mods / rebuilds etc plus my handbag...getting a bit out of hand...

OH knows im gona be coiling etc but didnt know i would be getting into mods, well, neither did i.

How the hell am i gona get away with dripping on summat thats bigger than my evod.

Went for lunch today and i started a conflab bout vaping, which led on to mentioning a lot about how great this forum is,what goes on and how helpful / generous people are. This opened the door to talking about mods..... Happen to mention the original nem, how much im drawn to it, the engraving and how the engraving reminds me of my real name. Out pops my phone to show a picture and then say about the price. Loved the engraving, understood why im drawn to it and this allows me to mention clones :) and their prices. OH then refers back to the cost of an original i then say ive bagged a clone for less than they normally are, waffle bout juice i have and dont like, filling tanks and having to empty / wash it, waste of money etc so can now do dripping to try :) OH is thrilled as ive sold him on the "it will save me money in the long run" :D

Loads more chatting bout vaping, hobby, something different to my job and how its good to have something else to focus on. Im doing acreally good job at selling this to him, so then push it a bit further and say bout vape meets. Oh yeah, massive thumbs up for that too (only one car between us atm).

Later we get home. I show him the nem, explain its a bit big for outside etc as im small and im being encoraged to use it!

Im getting very confident at this stage and mention he has a metal screwdriver kit (where the handle stores the screwdrivers which you take out, pop thevlid down, then pop the bit into the lid to use) and how ive been eyeballing it as it would make a very interesting mod. The response? Go for it
- could of knocked me down with a feather at this point.

Got various projects in my mind now :)
Pepper being female, you have one thing that all of us blokes want and feel we 'need', so if he objects, just put him on a sex ban, he will soon give in :lol1:
LOL, try to get things that look kind of similar, and you can say "oh no that is the XXXX i got last month, maybe you didnt see it clearly" :D
Pepper being female, you have one thing that all of us blokes want and feel we 'need', so if he objects, just put him on a sex ban, he will soon give in :lol1:

I did eight years ago, think thats why i get away with it :P ive had a few hundred spent on clothes / shoes in the sales and in return i parted with a smile and a thank you :D

Mind you, of all the drill bits for a little diy job today he had to use the one i need for coiling :banghead:
Lol, its usually the blokes trying to sneak things past the wife
Pepper being female, you have one thing that all of us blokes want and feel we 'need', so if he objects, just put him on a sex ban, he will soon give in :lol1:

Just felt an urge to quote you on that Andy, you know, just in case I ever feel that I need to use it in future..... ;)
Pepper, I'm in the 'oh, this old thing? I've had it aaaggess...' camp.... most men don't take a blind bit of notice when you show them something new that interests you and not them (shoes, equestrian equipment, vape gear, clothes...) and can easily be convinced that whatever they 'think' is new, you've actually had forever... 'oh, and while we're on the subject darling, I really could do with a new one...' thrown in for good measure usually results in the initial question about whatever they've noticed being forgotten while they try to convince you that you DON'T need a new one... and occasionally they even say 'oh, OK, buy a new one then'... it's a win-win situation!! ;)

Shite, probably shouldn't have admitted that tactic having just quoted matey, should I?!!;)
i dont even know what to say, im completely confused by the gender balance of this conversation
just felt an urge to quote you on that andy, you know, just in case i ever feel that i need to use it in future..... ;)
@pepper, i'm in the 'oh, this old thing? I've had it aaaggess...' camp.... Most men don't take a blind bit of notice when you show them something new that interests you and not them (shoes, equestrian equipment, vape gear, clothes...) and can easily be convinced that whatever they 'think' is new, you've actually had forever... 'oh, and while we're on the subject darling, i really could do with a new one...' thrown in for good measure usually results in the initial question about whatever they've noticed being forgotten while they try to convince you that you don't need a new one... And occasionally they even say 'oh, ok, buy a new one then'... It's a win-win situation!! ;)

shite, probably shouldn't have admitted that tactic having just quoted matey, should i?!!;)

i must resist from commenting!!! ;)
All men are supportive of their other half when said other half announces they are going on a get fit kick before summer hits.

Just buy one of these - loads of storage.

If he is into tinkering and handy with a screwdriver, get him involved building stuff, recoiling, playing with testing equipment..showing him shiny stuff.. He will soon be buying more than you :-D

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