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how to get new toys into the house WITH OH approval

I don't think my oh notices when a new mod arrives lol. Or at least I don't think she does.
I don't think my oh notices when a new mod arrives lol. Or at least I don't think she does.

Oh trust me, she does. Its all stored away neatly in the memory banks to be used against you in an argument, it might not be the next argument Clint, it might be one in 10 years time, but it will become completely valid and pertinent when it happens.

Be afraid, very afraid. :D
I was just about to say the same as AndyC1971,women can throw the bloke into mental turmoil with the words "You got X 15 years ago,so don't complain to me about the £1000 I just spent" :rofl:
Try and get away with stuff when the paypal account is in the OH name! All I get is "mmmm been on Fasttech again dear" or "I thought you said you had enough juices" "err its still cheaper than fags, and im lowering my nic levels so I need lower nic juice babe" still get THAT stare though lol oh well its worth it!
Oh trust me, she does. Its all stored away neatly in the memory banks to be used against you in an argument, it might not be the next argument Clint, it might be one in 10 years time, but it will become completely valid and pertinent when it happens.

Be afraid, very afraid. :D
That's very true that. There's no such thing as forgive and forget with women. What they might do is go easy on you but they never forget!

True story for you, my eldest lad is 13. When he was about 3, he'd never had a haircut and had hair so long and curly that I thought he was well overdue his first haircut. I thought I'd surprise the wife with my skills so set to shaving his head with the electric hair clippers while she was out, even tho I'd never given anyone a haircut in my life. I've always been one of them people who doesn't really think about consequences till it's too late.
So I finished his haircut and thought shit! She's gonna go mad. When she came home I asked her what she thought and she said, "what the fuck have you done?"
She barely spoke to me for the best part of a week and you could have cut the atmosphere with a knife but she got over it eventually. Or so I thought........

10 years later and I have the opportunity to own a piano. I've learned my lesson over the years so I ask her what she thinks about having it but she's not keen coz it'll be too big for our house and it won't look right. So I did what most blokes do and imagined how it would look in the alcove in the living room and it looked great (remember that this is in my mind). I explained how it would fit there and it will look good but I couldn't persuade her, she said she'd rather not have it. To me that's not saying no.

I phoned my friend who has a van and we go and get the piano. The wife was out when we got back so I thought I'd give her a nice surprise by rearranging a bit of furniture to accommodate our new piano while all the time I'm thinking to myself that I should have listened to her (thats progress imo) and it's not going to look right.

She comes home, looks at the piano and then dissappears upstairs for a few hours. I thought it best to leave her alone, I'm considerate like that. So instead I had an afternoon of hammering the ivories lol.

The more I played the happier I felt. Unbeknown to me tho it was having the opposite effect upstairs and eventually she came down.

To cut this long story shorter, I ended up with the giggles, she ended up as mad as a dog chewing a wasp, which then turned into a full blown row which then turned into me getting a bollocking for cutting my sons hair 10 years ago (wtf?) as well as some other stuff I've done over the years.

It's true, they never forget. They even remember the things that you can't!
Just remember you are never out of the crap its just the depth that varies :).
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