I'm still trying to get my head around using citric acid to add "fizz" as surely making something sour doesn't confuse the taste buds into believing it's fizzy? Why not ask one of the juice vendors on POTV what to use? That can't be such a secret they'd have to kill us after revealing what to use.Has anyone bothered to read the POTV wiki entirely,that will have the information in and save my brain from trying to absorb any more internet myths.
That seems to be the idea, doesn't it

although malic acid seems to be the more effective at producing sour flavours - The fizz from sherbet crystals, kali (sp?) in Scotland, sherbet fountains et al is the reaction between an alkali, usually sodium bicarbonate and an acid - malic acid, sodium citrate, citric acid when it gets wet - i.e. from the saliva in your mouth (a miniature version of the mentos + coca cola reaction). I do not want to vape sodium bicarb, it's not very good for you when inhaled, so I think it's possibly the 'sour' taste fooling the brain into thinking fizz... I have noticed a slight buzz on the tongue from one of the ginger flavours (FW I think?) when fresh, but this seems to disappear over time.
Another thing mentioned by the US forums is LorAnn Tart 'n' Sour; this costs about $2 in the bakery aisle at Walmarts over in the States .... or £4 ish over here from specialist baking shops (ripoff!) - not found it any cheaper so far, but again this is citric acid, malic acid, & sodium citrate, so it's no real difference from what we're using in the first place.
I did get some sour apple and some sour plum flavouring concentrate from Cupcake World in todays post (Vapemail! Yay!

) so I'll make them up for steeping next week when I get a chance and report back. Might be good for those of us oldies who remember the sour apple and soor ploom boiled sweets
breakbystealth I started to write up my taste tests on the PI flavours last night (at last!). Some are better than others, but so far on the 24hrs taste test I think I detect a more chemical note in them as stand-alone flavours than many of the more expensive ones; however they seem to mostly lose this in a mix of flavours and I think they will benefit from a longish - week plus - steep.