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How to recreate E- Lite smoke?

The Vaped Crusader

New Member
Jan 19, 2013
Hi folks - quite new to vaping.
Was introduced to vaping through E-Lites cigarettes and have enjoyed the
vape from them. I am experimenting with eliquidbut do not want any exotic
flavours, I just wantvto recreate the standard E-Lite smoke which is quite bland.

Where can I get a plain liquid to achieve this?

Many thanks.
Same here The Vaped Crusader, I've never had an E-Lite - but I know what you mean about the flavour - as I really liked the flavour of another "E-cigarette" that I got during Stoptober.

If you can find a juice that is either the same or the close as you can get to the one you like, but stronger in taste - you could always "water it down" with flavourless nicotine juice at the same strength as the one you want to dilute - you won't reduce the nic content, but will make the taste weaker.


I think Liberro here http://liberro.co.uk/ sell a cigalike kit and also sell eliquids including the one in their cigalike carts. I don't know if its similar to the Elites though. And they are quite pricey from memory
Hi The Vaped Crusader

Welcome to POTV.

Unfortunately I can’t advice you on that specific flavour.
My partner and I, both started on cig-a-likes, and personally I liked the flavour of one type, so we contacted the main vendor of that specific cig-a-like, he then pointed us in to the manufacturers direction.
We soon discovered that that liquid was rather expensive to buy, so started experimenting with other, more affordable flavours.

Finding the flavour that is right for you, is a learning curb, but once you found it, you’ll find your taste buds will be changing, so you’ll be looking for a different flavour, or at least that is my experience.
Hope you do find a flavour you like, and enjoy vaping as much as we do
Your best bet would be to try & find a bricks & mortar shop (or market stall) & just try all their flavours. For example a guy on my local market (Northampton) has a stall every Friday. He sells starter kits (Egos & cigalikes) & juice. He also has every flavour of juice that he sells in a ce4, meaning you can try it.

In all honesty you may have a hard time trying to reproduce an exact flavour, but finding somewhere that will let you try before you buy would I think be the best way to go.
You most likely just want a light standard tobacco flavour, ry3 can be quite bland with just the slightest hint of caramel.
You most likely just want a light standard tobacco flavour, ry3 can be quite bland with just the slightest hint of caramel.

I'm sorry but when anyone mentions bland I always think of this:

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