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howdie fellow smokers


Jan 14, 2014
me, from amsterdam, thinking to quite smoking real cigs and making the step to e-cigs. came here for some info and will have a look around and keep update...
still have to find out how to even have an avatar to name one thing . a real newbie that is i guess...
Now then! I'm new too, and have had plenty of help from the others on here, they're a generous bunch with plenty of experience. Good luck on cutting down and quitting, I've found it to be a piece of piss!

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
I think most people on here would say they weren't smokers (I still smoke a little, so I'll join your "fellow smokers" gang).

Welcome to the planet

Absolutely adore Amsterdam- you lucky chap
well i am not ashamed to call myself a smoker. Still smoke almost a pack a day but am cutting it down slowly. tomorrow i am getting a better e-cig than the one i have now from a friend to try it out. let's see. any tips on which flavor to try first?
And yeah, Amsterdam is great of course... if it wasn't for the piss weather at the moment :p
Welcome aboard. If you want to quit the cigs & try the vape instead, there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to do it. I was a hardened smoker, hand rolling tobacco & i have moved over to 100% vaping. I started by using an e-cig intermediately between analogues & then just realized that i could simply dump the tobacco as long as i had a decent quality substitute. I don't feel the need for tobacco smoke at any time now. I can even go without for longer & it's far less of an issue than smoking ever was. Best of luck to you.
Hey, im a fellow newbie but the kind people here are teaching me all sorts of wonderful things :)
welcome Albert81 you'll find no end of useful information here i joined four months ago and i've learned so much from the people here - and dont feel bad for the cigarettes you do have its the ones you don't have that count - good luck on your vaping journey.
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