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howdy howdy howdy

lmao im a pussy cat mate only 2 things piss me off low levels on my favourite liquids, and no bacon in the household

thanks for the welcome :)

Try that's the best thing I've read all day.... I'm sure that says something considering I also read about a child sticking a Lego hand in their ear... Almost fell off my chair for that one
Aloha man, a mate of mine is a tat artist, he's just started letting people vape in his shop (waiting area)
thought id sign my ass up on here so here goes

names Adam
im 25
tattoo artist by day semi professional mma fighter by night
been vaping over all for 4 years now with a huuuuuge collection of shiny looking toys mostly mechs though
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm thats about it until i can think of anything else then ill add later

Oh I remember you all right :)

Bet you though we'd done fergot about it n shiz.....
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