1. Rickster
2. oORobOo
3. Daz_app
4. Major Hazzard
5. Kersey
6. Brightonvaper
7. Mattyk2010
8. ObiWanVaponi
9. Banjostring
10. Arawn1975!
11. Cheltenham cat
12. Bergkamp
13. gary68
14. Vaporz1
16. PaulBee
17. snakebitex10
18. BigCloud
19. muttydog
20. sharkymarky88
21. Harumph
22 doggystyle
23. stevoknevo
24. Beatenbisuit64
25. john john whaur ye gon
Lemon Tart
Top Tip.Always play with juices try different inhales ,exhales.speeds,times of draws exhale,where you draw to in mouth, try different coils different tanks.