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I can do this , I can do this... i think

Honestly mate, I'm 3 weeks in and have not desire whatsoever to buy tobacco again. Even if they banned ecigs I wouldn't go back to smoking.

My technique is to have one clearo full of something light and fruity and another with a stronger tobacco like flavour. I vape the fruit all day and switch to the stronger one after meals, sex and first thing in the morning. Though I'm becoming very aware of the effects of nicotine and am slowing reducing, it's good to have something with a bit of kick for those 'trigger' moments.

Good luck!
You are about to give up a nasty habit and replace it with a hobby you'll love. Let us know how it's going for you ;)
I gave up on 21 December after having heart attack. I`m 70 this year and smoked since I was 15. Started on patches, which affected my skin, then went on to vaping. Bought loads of juices. Some are very good, some are crap. If you find that you miss the tobacco taste I can recommend Cigarillos Naturales by House of liquid. so far, I have bought 2 samples and about to order the large bottle !!. I had a taste of my wife`s ciggy after vaping the cigarillos and it tasted terrible !!!. Also, their coffee is excellent. Good luck !!!!!!
Hello and welcome,i'm almost 3 weeks in and have no desire to smoke and if i do get a craving i just vape through it
:welcome2:It's a lot easier doing it this way than you could ever imagine. You'd wish you'd done it sooner when you see :worship:
You can do it, we are all here with loads of advice, opinion and support. If there's anything you need to know, - just ask and good luck :D
I'm 6weeks in and I was a 30/40 a day lass before- never gone this long without a ciggie in 35 years of smoking!

Sent from my Samsung S4 Mini using the Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Hi cinnamonguy! Welcome to the Planet! :welcome2:

Today is the beginning of awesomeness!! Keep us posted on how you're doing, we're all here to support you, answer questions and help you make the transition!
+1 all of the above. This is the beginning of a great adventure. Let us know how you're getting on?
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