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I get burnt hits on every new coil no matter what

0.4 ohms seems low for someone that chain vapes and wants to keep off the smokes(why the sub-ohm build, did a store employee suggest this kit?). I know it's not going to deliver the same experience, but buy yourself a cheap MTL focussed starter kit, it'll give a more distinct throat hit and you'll get a heavier, harsher and more immediate nic fix, then you can use the more serious sub-ohm setup for enjoyment on the side(without feeling like you need to chug it every 5 seconds).
I’ve got the same mod. My advice is:

Firstly, the smok coils are crap. Get some Vaporesso GT4 coils.

Secondly, prime the mod as advised by others who’ve replied to you but also take a small needle and insert into each part of the coil where the cotton is visible. By doing this you will be creating small air holes to allow the juice to soak in properly. Allow a new coil thirty minutes after priming to soak.

Thirdly, follow the advice from others regarding chain vaping. If you need more nic buy a heftier juice.

Even with this you’ll only get 6-10 days from your coil. But you’ll get great flavour and eliminate the dry hits.
To add, I can chain vape perfectly once the coil has bedded in properly - say after 24 hours of use - with no problems at all.

The only caveat is when using very thick pudding juices of 70vg or higher. Here an occasional dry hit can occur.

Fruits, menthols etc etc and 50/50’s are perfect.
baby beast tank is a trash, I had the same problem used it for about 1-2 days at first it was great for about 2 hours then...... leaking, burn taste, change the coils 3 times a day didn't know what was going on, end up putting it back in to the box and forget about it made my life easier
Thanks guys for your help, I appreciate it.

I invested on an RDA, and hopefully this will fix my issue.
I think an RDTA would suit you, (ooh suits you sir! do you want it sir?)
Good for chain vaping at a below ohm measurement, as an RDA you will be dripping like a drippy man in a drip marathon.
I use higher VG liquids 70%VG is the lowest VG I have currently am vaping some DVTCH red light distric (berries) which is 85% VG. I know if I was using SMOK coils they would last about 10 minutes. I agree an RDTA or RDA would be better.
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