m0th a simple soloution to a hot spotting top coil is to twist the wick in the direction your coil is wrapped,not too much,just a fraction,maybe a tad more and pulse gently til the coil gets evenly lit-this may take some time and will zap your battery,so have a spare on standby.
As for the metallic taste it can take a while for the mesh to bed in and the taste to sort itself out.
You could also try torching the mesh,soaking with juice,torching again,soaking and then rolloing it up before putting in t'kraken-@remnant's way works quite well.
If you want to use mesh the best way is to combine it with ss rope-it wicks really,really well,and despite popular opinion you don't need to invert it to get it too wick-although it is a complete and utter bastard to get working well,but once you've cracked it and its chugging along...
As for the metallic taste it can take a while for the mesh to bed in and the taste to sort itself out.
You could also try torching the mesh,soaking with juice,torching again,soaking and then rolloing it up before putting in t'kraken-@remnant's way works quite well.
If you want to use mesh the best way is to combine it with ss rope-it wicks really,really well,and despite popular opinion you don't need to invert it to get it too wick-although it is a complete and utter bastard to get working well,but once you've cracked it and its chugging along...