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I need a AQUA build on a kick2


Mod Maker
Nov 15, 2013
Anybody have good build for the aqua, can get this thing right. Works great with a single coil, dual coil meh. Tried 2x 28g 12 wraps 1.5mm micro coil takes forever to heat up, needs 3 drags in a row before you get a decent one . So then I did a 2x 30g 12 wraps 1.5mm micro coil build still the same, just take forever to get some heat with the kick2 to at 15 watts. Tried it on my dna-20 its better at 20watts but you can tell it wants more power.
I haven't changed my aqua setup for a bit, but it's vaping great without a kick at 1 Ohm (14 Watts ish). 0.3mm kanthal I didnt' get on with, I'm pretty sure i've got 9 turns of 0.25mm kanthal per microcoil at 2mm diameter. I don't know the vape-physics of less turns with bigger diameter, but worth a shot if you're struggling with it, mine vapes great.
I haven't changed my aqua setup for a bit, but it's vaping great without a kick at 1 Ohm (14 Watts ish). 0.3mm kanthal I didnt' get on with, I'm pretty sure i've got 9 turns of 0.25mm kanthal per microcoil at 2mm diameter. I don't know the vape-physics of less turns with bigger diameter, but worth a shot if you're struggling with it, mine vapes great.

Gonna give it a try, thanks :)
Dual coils never work well on a kick, without getting bogged down in the physics your probably pushing the limits of the kicks amps, I've tried dual coil builds on an ithaka with a kick and it just dont work. What your effectively doing is spliting the wattage between each coil, a good example is 2x 3ohm coils = 6ohm devided by 2 = 1.5ohm for each coil the amps would be 2x 3ohms so 1.5 amps x2 = 3 amps, I think the kick 2 amp limit is limited to 6 ampsnow depending on actual ohms of your coils you may just be pushing the limits of your batteries and the kick.
The idea of dual coils is to get a hotter vape from single cell batteries, its a kinda defunkt idea with regulated variable wattage/voltage devices since you can increase the power to create the same effect.
Dual coils never work well on a kick, without getting bogged down in the physics your probably pushing the limits of the kicks amps, I've tried dual coil builds on an ithaka with a kick and it just dont work. What your effectively doing is spliting the wattage between each coil, a good example is 2x 3ohm coils = 6ohm devided by 2 = 1.5ohm for each coil the amps would be 2x 3ohms so 1.5 amps x2 = 3 amps, I think the kick 2 amp limit is limited to 6 ampsnow depending on actual ohms of your coils you may just be pushing the limits of your batteries and the kick.
The idea of dual coils is to get a hotter vape from single cell batteries, its a kinda defunkt idea with regulated variable wattage/voltage devices since you can increase the power to create the same effect.

Like I said in my post "I can tell it needs more power". I understand how a dual coil works and the volts stay the same and the watts get divided by 2. Now the weird thing is that the protank 3 dual coil runs fine at 15watts and thats why I was asking if anybody had dual coil build for the aqua that vapes good at 15watts. I think thinner kanthal heats up faster and thats why the protanks works fine with a dual coil at 15 watts.
I am using 6 wraps of 0.32 on dial coils which gives me 0.6-0.7ohms on a mech mod with no kick which if I have done my maths right is 21.6 watts at 3.6 volts and 29.4 at 4.2 volts. I think you might struggle to get it running the way you want at 15 watts.

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