Hi all,
So I got five iClear 16 clearomizers with my iTaste VV/VW V3 this week, and I've now run juice through them all. I wanted to make a couple of observations on consistency and quality, and hopefully get some replies with your experiences to gauge whether it's going to be worth me ordering another pack (or some new heads) in future, or switching to a different tank altogether.
1. The first thing I noticed is that one of the five iClear 16s registered a weirdly high resistance reading on my iTaste - 4.1 ohms?! The others were all within the expected low 2 range. However, I haven't bothered cranking up the volts/watts dramatically while vaping off this rogue 'high res' tank, and it seems to be performing just as well as the others. Has anybody else had a similar experience? Is it likely just to be a manufacturing or connectivity anomaly causing a higher resistance reading than is actually on the coil, and in fact I should continue treating it as if it's just a regular 2.1 ohm tank? That approach seems to be working so far..!
2. I'd had good performance from the first four tanks - no major leaks, decent vapor production and flavour, etc etc. So I was pretty taken aback when I filled the last tank with a new cherry flavour, and immediately got the most horrendous burnt taste which lasted a good ten or 12 vapes before I gave up and couldn't take any more! I'd done all the filling and wicking and everything properly, just like on the previous four tanks, which had worked fine. So obviously I figured it was just a dud coil on this fifth tank, but I really wanted to try this new cherry juice, so I rinsed the remains of a nice apple flavour out one of the other four tanks I'd been using earlier that day, dried it off, and put the cherry juice in that one. Immediately I got the same result - horrible, strong, acrid burning taste. So my question is, have I actually got a bad batch of *juice* there, rather than a dodgy clearo? It's a low VG mix, so I can't see clogging or gumming being the problem. Is it possible to have a batch of juice with a mixing error that just immediately burns and tastes vile, for some odd reason? Given that I've tried it in two clearos now, with exactly the same result in both (and I *know* one of them was working just fine minutes before), I can't think what else it could be...?
3. On the whole, I've enjoyed the i16s and am thinking I'd probably buy them again. However, I've also now ordered a Vision Spinner II and a Mini Protank 3, so I'm keen to see how that one compares before I make a judgement call on whether iClear 16s are gonna be the go-to small clearos for me longer-term.
Thanks in advance for any advice and input, nice to meet you all and hope I can help others out in future!
So I got five iClear 16 clearomizers with my iTaste VV/VW V3 this week, and I've now run juice through them all. I wanted to make a couple of observations on consistency and quality, and hopefully get some replies with your experiences to gauge whether it's going to be worth me ordering another pack (or some new heads) in future, or switching to a different tank altogether.
1. The first thing I noticed is that one of the five iClear 16s registered a weirdly high resistance reading on my iTaste - 4.1 ohms?! The others were all within the expected low 2 range. However, I haven't bothered cranking up the volts/watts dramatically while vaping off this rogue 'high res' tank, and it seems to be performing just as well as the others. Has anybody else had a similar experience? Is it likely just to be a manufacturing or connectivity anomaly causing a higher resistance reading than is actually on the coil, and in fact I should continue treating it as if it's just a regular 2.1 ohm tank? That approach seems to be working so far..!
2. I'd had good performance from the first four tanks - no major leaks, decent vapor production and flavour, etc etc. So I was pretty taken aback when I filled the last tank with a new cherry flavour, and immediately got the most horrendous burnt taste which lasted a good ten or 12 vapes before I gave up and couldn't take any more! I'd done all the filling and wicking and everything properly, just like on the previous four tanks, which had worked fine. So obviously I figured it was just a dud coil on this fifth tank, but I really wanted to try this new cherry juice, so I rinsed the remains of a nice apple flavour out one of the other four tanks I'd been using earlier that day, dried it off, and put the cherry juice in that one. Immediately I got the same result - horrible, strong, acrid burning taste. So my question is, have I actually got a bad batch of *juice* there, rather than a dodgy clearo? It's a low VG mix, so I can't see clogging or gumming being the problem. Is it possible to have a batch of juice with a mixing error that just immediately burns and tastes vile, for some odd reason? Given that I've tried it in two clearos now, with exactly the same result in both (and I *know* one of them was working just fine minutes before), I can't think what else it could be...?
3. On the whole, I've enjoyed the i16s and am thinking I'd probably buy them again. However, I've also now ordered a Vision Spinner II and a Mini Protank 3, so I'm keen to see how that one compares before I make a judgement call on whether iClear 16s are gonna be the go-to small clearos for me longer-term.
Thanks in advance for any advice and input, nice to meet you all and hope I can help others out in future!