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Trouble with Brunhilde (RTA MTL)

When using a coil winder with round-wire I find it best to do the first two wraps by hand - yes they will look shit - then use the winder to add the number of wraps you actually want. Then, cut the wire really close to the hole where it is initially threaded through the jig to remove it. Put the coil back on the rod and, leaving the coil on the rod use pliers to pull/ unwind the first two shit wraps leaving you with the number of jig wound good wraps you actually want and the two formerly shit wraps will be unwound into a decent sized coil leg.

If you just stick the wire through the hole, catch the wire and start turning - the little screw that catches the wire on the winding cap will always snag on the first one or two wraps turning them into a snaggly bunch of bastards and if you use pressure to try to stop it snagging the wire will overlap the previous wrap - and if you cut the wire to leave a coil leg you will further screw up the coil when you try to pull the leg through the hole. Just accept the first two wraps will be shit so do them by hand - after two wraps are already wound on the little screw will no longer catch and turning the cap using very light pressure will produce a perfectly wound contact coil.

Hard to explain but easy to do once you get the hang of it.

I messed about (prior to figuring out that the actual problem was me being stupid) with my coil winder and finally got a decent coil, but ran into exactly the snaggly bastard problem you describe for a lot of my attempts, so this is very helpful advice.

(One of the reasons I've not liked using the winder is that it has seemed to be the case that I've had to use a lot of pressure to actually (sometimes) get decent coils. Having a method that just requires light pressure makes the prospect much less off-putting.)
I messed about (prior to figuring out that the actual problem was me being stupid) with my coil winder and finally got a decent coil, but ran into exactly the snaggly bastard problem you describe for a lot of my attempts, so this is very helpful advice.

(One of the reasons I've not liked using the winder is that it has seemed to be the case that I've had to use a lot of pressure to actually (sometimes) get decent coils. Having a method that just requires light pressure makes the prospect much less off-putting.)

One thing worth checking is how far the screw that catches the wire sticks out - there needs to be a slight gap visible between the screw head and the winder for the wire to sit in, if it's screwed in all the way it simply won't work as the wire will either slip off the rounded screw head or overwind on the previous wrap.

It's probably OK but it's worth checking before you start - generally the gap should be less than 1mm for round-wire, wide enough for the wire to sit in, but not much wider than that. If it's right you shouldn't really have to press the two parts of the jig together as the screw will guide the wire over the previous wrap., j
Because it's basically an RDTA, I always found it very "saturated" - rich and almost moist. Is that what you mean? I think that is just the nature of the tank, and I quite liked it.

If you're getting juice in your mouth, then like @RAPTOREX says it would be helpful to see a pic of your deck.
I’m quite fond of mine. But I use way less cotton and way more coil. (Or at least wraps.)
As it looks like the coil is in a pool of juice soaked cotton, in the pic, that would make it a tad slurpy, for sure.
Sadly, most of my stuff is still packed away, (we’ve just gone through a complete rewire) so I can’t just put my finger on it atm.

Let’s build, if I recall correctly, I had dry hits, on first wicking.
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Thanks! Relevantly, it says "...set it to 12 watts and set about trying it out. The first draws were well over-saturated, I put this down to my overzealous coil priming but it didn’t go away. I examined the build deck and could see there was far too much juice, no leaking, just too much juice getting through. That was when I realised I had stuffed up my wicking! .... Live and learn and appreciated that it was my fault, I rewicked it with longer legs and that sorted it straight out, so back to the vape….."

Though I wish there were photos for the "right way" (unless I missed them). I tried with both long and short wicking, and it didn't seem to make a difference. But this seems like one thing to try.

Thanks! I'll have a look.

Ah, well, it's possible that, at least to some extent, it's just the way it hits.

It sounds gurglely, but then vapes tend to. Maybe a bit more gurglely than others and ... deeper in pitch?

Image of the deck. (You can see a bit of juice up on the screwmount - don't know if this is expected - tried wiping it off, but no difference.)

View attachment 356225
I found that just resting, the cotton, on top of the SS capillaries is best. And, again in my experience, use only enough cotton to cap said capillaries. You do end up with a scary small bit of cotton. But it vapes fine. It it does need changed regularly, though. Remember, you still need to have enough cotton, inside the coil, ( the pic seems a tad loosely wicked) it’s the bit outside that gets tiny.
Now, having fixed the me-being-daft error, I'm having almost the opposite issue - the wick is getting burnt quickly.

This is probably me not knowing how to wick well. But I think I'm not getting enough juice into the wick bit in the coil.

I think I may try doing a more widely-coiled coil as I wonder if it's a hot-spot issue in part.

I also wonder if the NET juice I'm using wicks into the cotton more slowly.

I found that just resting, the cotton, on top of the SS capillaries is best. And, again in my experience, use only enough cotton to cap said capillaries. You do end up with a scary small bit of cotton. But it vapes fine. It it does need changed regularly, though. Remember, you still need to have enough cotton, inside the coil, ( the pic seems a tad loosely wicked) it’s the bit outside that gets tiny.

Thanks! This tip about the amount of cotton in the capillaries probably is part of the issue too.
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