If you have a real interest in it definitely as suggested invest in a mod much better suited to TC
. As also advised, any DNA 75, 200 or 250 and you're going to get a much better vape all round
TC builds need to be very lightly wicked. You barely want to feel the resistance of your wicking passing through the coil, unlike wattage builds where you're wanting to feel a decent bit of resistance. It can take a few goes to really nail it.
Get yaself a DNA and if you're looking at NiFe, NiFe48 would probably be your best bet if you don't like the lower resistance builds and it's incredibly accurate as well. StealthVape NiFe30 (or NiFe70 if you purchase from Crazy Wire) is very low in resistance.
You're not really going to want to use SS in TC until you get the better mod first