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If we needed further evidence of Political corruption.....


Jan 26, 2013
.... after this weeks ENVI defeat stating that eCigs are bad, and need medicinal regulation, imagine my surprise when I just read this (Yeah, yeah, I know, Im slow!)


Imagine my further surprise to find that the proposal for minimum alcohol pricing has also been shelved!

So lets get this straight, alcohol and tobacco dont kill, but ecigs do?!

I just dont get it!
And Diane Abbott, Labour MP, without hint of irony given the socialist led pharma funded onslaught on ecigs in Europe, on TV earlier accusing the government of giving in to vested interest and big business.

The real beneficiaries of the TPD on ecigs are of course Big Tobacco (because only they will be able to afford the tests to get the licences required to sell their, by that stage, ineffectual product) and Big Pharma (who regain the market for nicotine replacement products, retain the profit from smoking illness drugs etc etc).

So Diane Abbotts party and its allies in the EU have just handed victory on a plate to vested interest and big business!

It certainly has bugger all to do with the nations health

Personally I'm not convinced of the benefit of plain packaging, or horror pictures on fag packs (or the rather silly idea of recorded messages like Dont smoke me on opening the box being considered lately). As a pub lover minimum alcohol pricing for supermarkets may even up the competition a little but can't say I've studied the pros and cons.

I am pretty Apolitical these days but I will vote for whichever MP,MEP that supports a sensible approach to ecigs. Right now the choices are becoming clearer by the day.
Agree totally that corruption is at work, as always. Just heard on radio that ex-MD of Totally Wicked (Jason somebody) has been sending really offensive emails to Euro MP's - with him on our side, we are bound to lose! Take exception to the silly comment about "socialist pharma" - what planet are you on? We have not had socialism in this country since the liberal, Beveridge, brilliantly described the 5 evils that the post war society should address. Pharma and tobacco are controlled by the Power Elite (read your C Wright Mills) not by EU countries which is why Mother Cameron simply does as he is told.
Take exception to the silly comment about "socialist pharma" - what planet are you on?.
The one that says that it was the 'socialist' (however you wish to define that word) groupings of the ENVI committee (with the Greens) that supported medicinalisation in the recent vote. I actually didn't say socialist Pharma. :)
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