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If your new to the Ecig


Jan 19, 2013
This review is aimed at them guys who are newish to the ecig, I have gone through my 3 month mark and not looked back or been tempted by the sin of my choice ...the cigar.

So where did I start on this vaper road.....well the wife has been on the ecig for sometime now....and I was very impressed how she got on with it, been the doubting Thomas I am...didnt think it would work for me...sure I had a few puffs on the wifes eciggie...but...no...I need my cigar.

So after much thinking and debate, I thought sod it, I will give it a go...so been sceptical...I just bought a TECC iClear....and well with a few cigar flavours in the cartomizer...really started to like it, and this little thing worked like a charm for me.

Now been a cigar fan, I was a bit miffed at the lack of cigar flavours, so after a bit of reading got into mixing....now this is where the vaper world really got hold of me and sucked me right in.

So im mixing away reading reviews on ecigs, and started to look at my old iClear and said...buddy your done mate, thanks for getting me off the cigars but sorry to say I need more battery life and a bigger tank.

So after reading this fine forum I picked a Provari, now I have a sister in the states, so when she comes over for the easter break she will bring my goodies over, why wait I hear you ask...well Im a cheap skate, and if I get a load of gear for less quids I will wait forever...lol

So as Easter is a million years away I thought I would just get me and the wife a "put me on " so started to like the Ego-T, looks like it would be great to keep me going and give me that better vape experience. So after reading about it and finding Safercigs (http://www.safercigs.co.uk/) Youtube channel...Note to vendors...have a youtube channel...its a great way to show your goods and that was a main reason why I selected safercigs.

So after watching popped over to his website and got a cracking deal...its the Ego-T with 2 650 batteries and 2 vision clearomizers ( http://www.safercigs.co.uk/Vision_eGo650mah_kit/p705283_6784082.aspx) now the wife phoned Daz up on a Sunday and he couldnt help enough...what a top bloke...so we put the order in on Sunday and they arrived yesterday...3 days wait and the snow was pretty bad..so hats off to the man for having a cracking delivery service.

In a nutshell this is a cracking ecig...lots of vape and a great battery....and a robust little bit of kit...so if your new to vapering and dont know where to go next then, let me tell you as a newbie you wont go far wrong with this baby....and I cant recommend safercigs enough.....but if you want to take vapering to another level, then start mixing your own.

Mixing isnt easy at the start, you will gip, throw up and spit like a cowboy....but it gets better and more fun, and when you do create your very own mix that puts a smile on your face then its an even better buzz. Just go mad and mix, follow this site and you wont go far wrong...this forum has all you need and more, the mixology threads and calculator are a god send to me....and at the moment Im on the ego with a mix of cigar,red bull and a touch of rum....and as they say in the burger ads...."im loving it"..

So if your new all you need is this forum and a good all round ecig to get you going and at a later date start to think about the all singing all dancing ecigs, dont throw wads of cash at a ecig if you have doubts about it, start small and get a good all rounder......nuf said....

Thanks for reading my waffle.
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Thanks for posting that! I agree a YouTube channel is great for releasing updates about products and such. I first saw Daz (safercigs) on a google + hang out when I first started vaping last year and he is a top bloke and an excellent vendor. Glad you found something to tide you over til Easter!
Cheers Kulr....loving this little baby.......and loving this forum.....and thanks for the discount code....every little helps...:2thumbsup:
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