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IGO Family - Youde. UD.


Dec 31, 2013
Sitting here i have 3 Youde/UD drippers. My first one was the 'W4' followed by the 'T' (Titanium) & today i built my first coils in the 'W' but before i did, i drilled those air holes out to 1mm each.

It's fair to say that those UD drippers offer true value & quality for money. The 'W' only cost me £10 new in a sale.
I've recently acquired a taste for higher end rda's & i do like those high quality devices but this 'W' when i fired it the first time with my favorite captain custard, well the vape was & still is awesome, totally ! I'm getting flavour tones as good as i get from some other more expensive drippers & it's a nice warm dense vape too.


These 3 are all variations on a theme & you can interchange the top caps. Add to that the fact that there are aftermarket alternative caps available at certain vendors sites & you've got a brilliant little family.

If that's not enough, Youde have been bust releasing a whole new bag of rebuildable tricks lately, not just drippers !

I think that these products & the new ones represent a good example of affordable, tried, tested, trusted, original & now diverse range of vape attys. The metals always seem to be really good & solid & they're put together well. What more could we want at this price.

Yeah, so this is a nod in the direction of UD attys :2thumbsup: I have them as standby drippers for unforseen emergencies because i know i can rely on them but really they deserve more than that !

Yours sincerely, Mr Someonenobody.
Seriously, with stuff like this coming out, the clone market can take a back seat !

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I'm fairly new to "proper" dripping, having only used drippers as nature intended before. But I have to say, other than the smallish postholes, I'm struggling to see how my next one (whatever it may be) will beat my Igo-W with 2mm drilled out airholes.
UD have taken me through all my stages of vaping with quality, affordable kit all the way.
It's never perfect, but there's never much to gripe about either.
I'm fairly new to "proper" dripping, having only used drippers as nature intended before. But I have to say, other than the smallish postholes, I'm struggling to see how my next one (whatever it may be) will beat my Igo-W with 2mm drilled out airholes.
UD have taken me through all my stages of vaping with quality, affordable kit all the way.
It's never perfect, but there's never much to gripe about either.

Exactly & no vape gear is perfect anyway. These are winners in my book.
Have two igo ms coming from ft, but the w6 and that lot... what a chunt to build on... Jesus D:
I only had to look at the pictures of the w6 to put me off. You got one then ?

No no, the shop I went to a vape meet at yesterday had them... and my word. Why you'd design it like that, I will never know!
While we're on the subject, for anyone who didn't hear what Rip said about the 'M'...

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