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Igo-L or Octopus

Thanks for the suggestions and info everyone.

I think i'm gonna go for the Igo-W as i think it'll look better sat on my SVD plus gives me the option to learn how to dual and quad coil at a later date if i feel the urge.

Just need to find somewhere thats got them in stock so i can order it at the end of the week when i get paid :)
I just realised i don't actually have any spare drip tips so i'll have to get one of those as well.

Is there a prefered type when dripping or is it just whatever takes your fancy? I was under the impression long ones were more suited to dripping.
I think the w looks better and like you said, you've got more flexibility with it. :)
I just prefer the slightly larger screws and the space it gives. I don't see much of a benefit for going dual coil. A single coil on this for me bellows plenty of vapour.
Best flavor has to be from the Octopus smaller chamber makes it a fantastic vape! I have the igo-l igo-w and the Octopus is by far the best performer over the Igos! just my opinion your may vary but the air chamber over the Igos is too big unless setup in dual coil mode! try an Ocotpus with a microcoil and its simply awesome :)
I have to agree the octopus has the edge on flavour tho lining up the air hole to the cap can be a pita sometimes.

I have the igo-w cap on an igo-l seeing as there the same size. ;)
I fancy having a go on the Smok Scar with the bottom air feed thingy sounds like it could be good :) one to try in the new year maybe! spent enough for this year !
The airhole on the baby octopus is easy to enlarge as the metal of the top cap is quite soft. It can really hold its own cloud chasing if you coil it at about an ohm and double the air hole size
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