Copy of letter Just sent to Faily Telegraph ...
Dear Sir,
I write to you in response to the "Experts" endorsement of the EU Tobacco Products Directive. These so called experts continue to endorse Medicines regulation for E-Cigarettes, A stance which has already been proved Illegal by the High Courts of five member states, including that of Europe's most successful economy, Germany.
The fact that so many of these so called experts stand to lose out because E-cigarettes have come to dominate the market in such a short time frame seems to be what is driving their endorsement, as there is little or no legal or scientific reasoning behind it and what little evidence they quote is based on a sample of four products (Bought from corner shop vendors by trading standards officers), at least one sample of which was contaminated in the laboratory that was conducting the analysis
The simple fact is that the contents of the E-Liquids used in the most popular type of E-cigarette are well known, and in this country at least, Pharmaceutical Grade. This means that Flavourings aside NONE of the three ingredients used (Propylene Glycol, Vegetable Glycerine and Nicotine) have any added ingredients that the EU does not consider safe. Thus these experts should agree that E-cigarettes must by their own rules contain only safe ingredients. So if they are safe why do more than impose simple quality standards on the ingredients unless they have an ulterior, profit driven motive.
I say "Shame on you So called Experts, Prove your integrity, then prove your point and I will accept it, don't just mouth platitudes based on minimal and out of date research, Go out to the shops, Buy samples of Quality British E-Liquids from proper E-Cigarette vendors, have them tested and show us the results!."
Yours sincerely
Mr S J Baker