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Initial impressions of the Innokin mvp

Apr 5, 2013
This is a personal review of a product I bought . The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of this website, planetofthevapes.co.uk

Vendor - UK e cig store
Price Paid - £49.98

Kit Innokin MVP STV kit
Mod -
Clearo / Carto - STV vivi nova tank (3.5ml)
Ohm - 2.4
Voltage - currently using about 4.3
First review folks so be gentle with me. I ordered the above on the 17/4 and arrived on the 19/4 nicely packaged.However on opening up the box I was disappointed to see that the charging cable had not been included in the box and the vv display was somewhat scratched almost like it had been used before. My first feeling on picked up the mvp was" damn this thing is heavy!" although having only been used to an ego 650 it was bound to be I guess. The battery was pretty much fully charged only requiring about 30 mins to be full. I filled up the vivi nova with my atomic apple (24mg) let it sit for a while and then ....ready for my first snort.....3 clicks to turn on,yeah right,it took several attempts to get it to turn on and fire,set vv for 4.3 (same as I use on my jacvapour vv) and mmmm not good, serious gurgling and the firing clicked off after about 2 seconds, tried several more times and eventually got it to fire properly and got a decent drag. decent amount of vapour/taste although I found the draw much tighter than on the same tank on my jacvapour. The main problems I have been having all weekend are the lack of consistency in the operation of the MPV, sometimes it will just turn itself off even when you have only had a great drag only 30 seconds before then other times it works fine. I have also found that the 3 clicks on and off is somewhat erratic sometimes fine sometimes not. As for the form factor, apart from the initial surprise at the weight I find it fine to hold ,although as mentioned in a
PBusardo review i agree that it would have been much more comfortable with a trigger button on one of the sides rather than in the middle of the main body. As for battery life it is early days but i have been giving it a fair old thrashing at all different voltages and haven't charged it since Saturday morning and it is still showing green,so that's good. I have e mailed the vendor with my problems which hopefully will be resolved, maybe i just got a duff one but i have to say when it is working well,ie,firing when it should and not turning itself off it is a nice piece of kit and the battery life seems to be everything i had hoped ,which to be honest was the main reason for buying it.If anyone wants to know how i get on with the resolution of the problems i will be happy to update. Thanks for reading folks and sorry if the review is not up to scratch but its my first attempt. cheers Gaz
sounds spot on to me and a good honest view which in my opinion is all ya can do, good job mate
Gotta say a very good and honest to the point review don't underestimate urself. I would be interested to hear about the resolution to the initial problems you have found, and look forward to more reviews from you. Thanx for this :)

This is a personal review of a product I bought . The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of this website, planetofthevapes.co.uk

Vendor - UK e cig store
Price Paid - £49.98

Kit Innokin MVP STV kit
Mod -
Clearo / Carto - STV vivi nova tank (3.5ml)
Ohm - 2.4
Voltage - currently using about 4.3
.However on opening up the box I was disappointed to see that the charging cable had not been included in the box and the vv display was somewhat scratched almost like it had been used before. ....3 clicks to turn on,yeah right,it took several attempts to get it to turn on and fire,set vv for 4.3 and mmmm not good, The main problems I have been having all weekend are the lack of consistency in the operation of the MPV, sometimes it will just turn itself off even when you have only had a great drag only 30 seconds before then other times it works fine. I have also found that the 3 clicks on and off is somewhat erratic sometimes fine sometimes not.

Thanks for your review mate, especially in pointing out some of the problems.

I took delivery of one today, also from UK Ecig Store.

The VV display on mine is also obviously scratched up and the unit was covered in greasy fingerprints as well, as you say, looking like it has been used before. I received the cable, but it wasn't in the box where there was a specific cut out for it, it had just been thrown into the jiffy bag on top of the box.

I'm struggling to get consistency with mine as well. One moment it gives a good and decent vape, then it suddenly drops off to barely producing vapour, then swings completely the other way and causes awful burning. I'm trying out the Vivi Nova that came with it. But, my preferred kit are Kanger MT3's.

I also took delivery of 2 x Ego 1100mAh twist vv's today, and the Kanger's are working perfectly consistently and wonderfully on those without any problems at all.

For the price of this specific bit of kit, and the similar damage mine appears to have to yours, I can't help but feel a little let down by the UK Ecig Store, it was my first purchase with them, and I'm now left wondering what exactly is going on here???? I'm going to have to contact them tomorrow regarding this issue.

Were your issues rectified or successfully resolved with your itaste MVP please mate? Was it exchanged?

Any input you may have appreciated.

All the best.
Hi Bud, Cheers for the kind comments. Well this is interesting 2 of us with exactly the same problems . I e mailed them straight after opening the box on Saturday to tell them that they had not put in the charging cable and I received a mail back yesterday to ask me to send a picture of the received items together with the invoice which I sent straight away together with details of the problems I had been having over the weekend. I received a e-mail back today as follows - Hi Gary,

Thank you, the charger will be sent out to you today.
A member of our technical team will be in contact with you regarding the issue with the MVP.


Team UKeCig - somewhat terse don't you think? and I notice no apology for the missing cable! oh and you guessed it ,no phone call from their technical team as of yet! Like you iam quite disappointed in ukecig as up until now I had only heard good things about them. I have persevered with the mvp today but to be honest it has not been good,i counted (sad I know) how many times it had turned itself off (11 and counting) and the most maddening thing of all as you and I have said is the terrible inconsistency of the firing, one min great burn and cloulds of vapour and lovely taste the next no vapour or burnt! incidentally this is happening with both the vivi nova supplied with the kit and an iclear30 that I purchased from them at the same time. I have tried both tanks today on a friends bog standard ego 900 battery and they both worked just fine,vaped a treat,so it must be the mvp. I hope you manage to get yours sorted bud and I will let you know how I get on as and when they ring me. cheers gaz
Hi Bud, Cheers for the kind comments. Well this is interesting 2 of us with exactly the same problems . I e mailed them straight after opening the box on Saturday to tell them that they had not put in the charging cable and I received a mail back yesterday to ask me to send a picture of the received items together with the invoice which I sent straight away together with details of the problems I had been having over the weekend. I received a e-mail back today as follows - Hi Gary,

Thank you, the charger will be sent out to you today.
A member of our technical team will be in contact with you regarding the issue with the MVP.


Team UKeCig - somewhat terse don't you think? and I notice no apology for the missing cable! oh and you guessed it ,no phone call from their technical team as of yet! Like you iam quite disappointed in ukecig as up until now I had only heard good things about them. I have persevered with the mvp today but to be honest it has not been good,i counted (sad I know) how many times it had turned itself off (11 and counting) and the most maddening thing of all as you and I have said is the terrible inconsistency of the firing, one min great burn and cloulds of vapour and lovely taste the next no vapour or burnt! incidentally this is happening with both the vivi nova supplied with the kit and an iclear30 that I purchased from them at the same time. I have tried both tanks today on a friends bog standard ego 900 battery and they both worked just fine,vaped a treat,so it must be the mvp. I hope you manage to get yours sorted bud and I will let you know how I get on as and when they ring me. cheers gaz

Can you keep us posted how you get on please mate?

I fired off an e-mail last night letting UK ecig store know I'm not impressed, and asked them to explain why they've sent me a unit that has obviously been used before, and to explain the damage.

I've also asked them to exchange it and send out a new one. What they'll do next is anyone's guess.

The damage has been done though. I can't trust UK ecig store not to send me, or other customers used units being sold as new. The real bummer is I would have bought more from them, unless they resolve this issue quickly and professionally, I won't be using them again.

Cheers garypersonaltrainer :-) .
That was a great review @garypersonaltrainer :)

I notice though that the thread has begun to turn into some possibly negative comments about a vendor and therefore a vendor review of sorts. Take care about this.

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