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Innokin SVD Revisited by Grimm Green


Jul 18, 2012
In another thread I said that with mine, even when the battery tube is screwed up snug, there is still a bit of ''play' which creates a rattle. Worse in 18350 mode.

Nobody else here seems to have this with theirs.

No big deal. I'm still loving it.

However having watched this video (which isn't a full review) I'm glad I'm not the only one who notices this!

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I am aware that Pre Prod and Prod changes will exist but one of the items I liked on this was the threading. It looked like it was an expensive / enhanced mod, rather than now a nice mod.
I have play on mine too. The threads are really long so it takes forever to do it up, & they are also really rough as well.
Just got mine in vapemail today after saving for a while. After seeing pre prod review and prod reviews I thought I would add my thoughts. These comment are my personal findings and no reflection on supplier/s or manufacturers.

Ok ordered mine from vapour room on Tue 9 Apr received Wed 10 Apr, a good deal from them as they offer POTV 12.5% discount and had plenty in stock. Mt first slight issue is as stated above the thread change, I found myself before inserting battery etc having to remove sharp shavings from some of the threads and I think that change has slightly let the SVD down, and as said also I have a small amount of play in the tube when it is firm on the battery ( this isnt a big problem to me and was quickly sorted)..

That is about all the downs, the one unexpected up was that they also had changed from one airhole on to two and that is a personal delight giving a lot more air on the draw (and saves power on drilling). A lot of what I could has already been said but to add to that. Am I satisfied? Yes. Would I recommend? Yes.

All the best

My power down button well the surround wound itself out yesterday, wondered why couldn't press the button then saw shroud was proud, screwed back in and all ok but something that's worth looking out for
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