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Interesting graph and blog

hmmm kind of points out the fact that EU are happy for us to smoke and cost health authorities money but not for us to be healthy and save money to the various governments.

Its a good graph and is enlightening to see we are a small percentage no doubt this is a growing area, you just have to look at the daily additions to the forum to see that
Hi, all,

That graph is from Clive Bates's blog, and I'm very pleased to see the credit there on evape's blog, so I would imagine it's pretty accurate, since Clive very definitely knows his stuff.

This, I think, is why ecigs are causing the furore they are: the EU market for ecigs has already overtaken the market for NRT products. This, combined with the truly incredible public outcry from the vaping community directly to the policy-makers, has made ecigs the key controversial issue in Brussels in all the discussions about the TPD.

This has blind-sided the policy-makers, since they were expecting the big talking issue to be plain packaging, but that debate has been largely put on a back burner while everyone figures out what on earth an ecig is!

It's fair to say: they weren't expecting this....


I think they didn't realise how many people vaped or that there was a community. If they'd have done this a couple of years ago they'd have slipped it in easily. Basically plain packaging is meaningless to reduce smoking, just makes counterfeiting easier and only tobacco companies and shop assistants struggling to find the brand somebody wants. The Pharma industry has an impact assessment on file from 2008 asking for, in their words, 'a level playing field' so their NRT wouldn't lose out. Governments make lots out of smoking, and vaping is the biggest threat to all three ever. I think it was a recent USA ANTZ conference on smokeless tobacco that claimed tobacco companies were pushing smokeless as a temporary way of maintaining sales when taxes are so high. Are those ANTZ expecting tobacco tax to drop? Maybe not impossible if too many switch.
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