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Introduction and story so far!


Jun 3, 2014

So i finally decided to man up and register to my favorite vaping forum. Been lurking for months, reading daily and soaking up the info.
Vaping since 18.1.2014. and haven't touched the analog once (tho cravings are still here)

The story... (feel free to skip)

Back in November my depertment got shut down and we were offered a part time job which i had to accept as i needed to provide for my family and it was impossible to find another job. Went down from 900€ to 310€. Life became way more harder and i basically had to find alternative for everything. One of the hardest parts was finding a solution for smoking. Smoked analogs for almost 15 years, up to 2 packs a day, and i knew if i keep that pace i will be working whole month just to have enough for smokes.

First thing google threw at me as an alternative were e cigs...

Research began and spent days of reading...

Went through all the starter kits, regulated stuff, mods and rebuilding... learning and reading how stuff works, reading a lot of reviews, comments (good/bad/flaws/advantages)and discussions as i didn't want to jump into something just to regret it after. i had limited amount of money (some savings left) and i knew i had only one attempt to make it right and if i fail i'll have to deal with it.

Then one day i started conversation about it with peps at work to see if they have any knowledge about it and what they think of it. During that conversation a guy from "geek squad" interrupted us with "are you also into vaping" and he almost started to cry when i told him that i'm starting to. He was stealth vaping for nearly 3 years and didnt have anyone to share the knowledge and stories with. So our friendship began and i've learned almost everything and got better understanding of things i didn't quite understand. Got everything explained and shown LIVE lol.

I pretty much settled for mech mod and dripping as it kinda suited me the most - also the shine effect did it's part and i knew i will eventually end up buying mech.
Skipped the whole "starter kit and working towards something better" part as money was a big issue for me (it still is lol).
It was a bit hairy at the beginning with all the coiling and checking batteries (was a bit overwhelmed with info also) but once i got into the routine i started to love it - maybe the only regret i have is not buying RBA instead of RDA... but saving for a kayfun and hopefully in month or two it should be mine :) (also suggestion for something with decent build and non-leaking is more than welcome)

That was my start and i believe i came quite far since then, from 24mg to 6mg and burning from 5ml down to 1.5-2ml juice (i still dont have juice for all day vaping but mixing my way to it) and most important i haven't had a single analog!

Congrats on the switch, i think you made a good choice with the rda too. Welcome to the forum.
Hi and welcome to the planet! What a great introduction post :) you are lucky to have a real person who can help you out as it can be abit scary at first. What is the vaping scene like in Croatia, is it easy to get hold of juice or equipment?
Aloha man, i've got the kayfun running at 0.8ohms and just coiled a fogger v4 (0.46 ohm but need more cotton) and still waiting onmy Omega RDA (some noob shipped it to the USA instead of the UK), good luck and happy vaping
Welcome to the planet! and congrats on quitting analogues!

As for the RBA, I can't recommend the Fogger v4 enough! I have a Kayfun Lite and sure she looks pretty, but the air flow is tight and she loves to leak. The Fogger on the other hand gives an amazingly airy draw for an RBA and she hasn't leaked a drop on me yet! Gotta love the glass tank on the Fogger too!
Thanks to all for warm welcome!
I guess i was really lucky or lets call it a lucky coincidence that he (Robi) was listening our conversation and decided to interrupt as i was getting overwhelmed with info and started to mix things up slowly.
As it goes for vaping community in Croatia i believe it's growing (there are many forums and topics with quite a lot of active people) but not in my town. I have 2 local shops here, 1 is selling only starter kits and the other one got some advanced gear but the people that work there don't even bother to at least read the description about the stuff they sell so i mostly order online after finding the review and thoughts here on POTV or any other forum. Tho things are rather expensive here.
Azrael_Fallen & BAVapes
I'm torn between Fogger V4, KFL+ and even Magoo (on sale now) or Aerotank mega as i need tank only when i'm at home/reading in bed.
I hardly ever go under 1.4 Ohm (Fruity flavors) and i like my vape at 1.8/2 Ohm mostly single coil builds so i wonder how will fogger v4 get along with single coil? I'm not cloud chaser nor the flavor freak i just want to be off the analogs.
I can see that Fasttech is selling ready NR-R-NR coils so i wonder how will those play in RDA or RBA?
When i started i got Sentinel M16 (authentic) and Patriot RDA (clone). Got both from my buddy to use till i get my own gear hopefully THE MCR 101 in near future with nice RBA/RTA on it (/dream mode on).

Welcome to POTV.

There is a lot to take on and learn when vaping, but youve had a great helper!
:2thumbsup: Hello there, Nice to meet you!!! And Great intro by the way!!!
Thanks to all!

Now back to exploring... still searching for a proper tank for reading/lazy mode ;)

Oh and forgot to mention in my initial post... dripping 24mg nic liquid on lower resistance builds... wish i was warned not to do it...
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