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Ipswich Newbie

Hi it's upstairs near the turkish barbers not far from sainsburys.I think the old cash converters was there as well.

Sorry i do not remember the street name but i can try anf look it up for you!.
Thanks i have no problem signing anything that let's the bureacrats know how many feel with their meddelling ways.
Live and let live!.
welcome to the planet. Well done on making the switch. :)

The EU laws are still a bit up in the air, however there are always going to be loopholes and ways around things and vaping isn't going anywhere.

Yes you'll still be able to order from overseas. Pretty much if you post on a vaping forum you'll be fine as how to get around things will be common knowledge. We're all fighting to make sure that the new laws are good to make sure that more people who've been smoking a long time get the same chance we all did.
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