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Sub Ohming / Cloud vaping Rant rant rant !!!

Yes you should be able to make it round the supermarket without a Vape but if your in an empty aisle and have a sly toke to help you for what ever reason and nobody knows what harm has been done?

I see, so the standard of morality is, "be sly and don't get caught", a bit like speeding... or drink driving.

Some of the opinions and mind sets thrown around in this thread from both sides astound me.
Yes me too. It is almost as if people don't think before they type.
I'm old... I am allowed to be grumpy.

...especially if you make derogatory remarks about old people.

Well if your sig photo is of you, then you certainly don't look old

Sent from a vape cloud using Planet of the Vapes
There are at least three of us here that seem to be of a like mind about having respect and consideration for other people, back in the old days they used to call them 'Gentlemen'. The aim of which was to be pleasant to everybody and generally be good company, and the sort of person people want to be around. You could still be rebellious and fun, and yet aspire to being pleasant.

I have to wonder if this is a generational thing? I am in my 40s, but this thread has certainly made me feel old.

I try to be polite and courteous and don't vape where I can't smoke. I haven't tried vaping in a pub but I would ask first. A lot of stuff that young people do is none of my fucking business and good luck to them, I say. In the OP, why didn't the landlord of the pub have a quiet word instead of banning?
I try to be polite and courteous and don't vape where I can't smoke. I haven't tried vaping in a pub but I would ask first. A lot of stuff that young people do is none of my fucking business and good luck to them, I say. In the OP, why didn't the landlord of the pub have a quiet word instead of banning?
Maybe he is old and grumpy?
I hate fancy burgers. It's junk food and there's nothing wrong with that, but all this blue cheese and wagyu beef stuff is a bit silly imo.

The Whopper is the best burger. But then again I was brought up on Wimpy and Mr Big burgers so I may be wrong.
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