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Anti-Vaping Propaganda – Are We Watching a Coordinated Attack? Let’s Talk About It

Look at this bollocks (highlighted), from my own experience of being around those who vape, but have never smoked, I've yet to see one of them start smoking . I do though see many smokers who now vape or dual use, nothing wrong that, it's called harm reduction. The anti vape zealots call it nicotine addiction and refuse to acknowledge harm reduction.

Welcoming the support for the legislative consent motion, Professor Sir Michael McBride, said: “As Chief Medical Officer for Northern Ireland, I welcome this significant step towards a smoke-free Northern Ireland. Smoking is a life limiting addiction and two thirds of smokers wish they had never started. I am extremely concerned about the significant rise in the prevalence of vaping amongst young people, given the evidence of a gateway effect between vaping, subsequent cigarette use and the blatant marketing of vapes to young people. We need to stop the deliberate addiction of two-thirds of adult smokers who begin smoking before the age of 18, over 80% of whom become addicted before the age of 20.

Complete bollocks. I've read it several times and to me he's saying he welcomes a smoke free Northern Island but in the next breath he is condemning the one thing that could achieve this (vaping). I've not seen any evidence of vapers switching to smoking although as @LordOdin said above when vaping is banned this may well happen. Just another example of someone in power not knowing anything other than following the herd.
Been listening to the same old shite for years. Like everything in life there are those who support things and those that don't. The question is :- What would you do if Vaping got too expensive or even banned ?. I will tell you, i think the majority would return to smoking. The very thing they are slagging off to protect Vaping. Just because you vape it shouldn't make you anti-smoking. If people want to smoke then let them, it's their life. We have had numerous debates on this Forum and where have they gotten us. I see people on here getting so stressed about what is happening to vaping and it confuses me. Ranting and Raving on here or anywhere else isn't going to change things and the sooner we get used to that the better. If vaping becomes (what i think is too expensive) then i wouldn't hesitate going back to smoking, though i think i could actually manage without either, we will see.
Not sure I understand your point. I've not seen much evidence of people ranting and raving or getting stressed, just individuals expressing their beliefs of what is happening in the vaping scene. After all this is a vaping forum. It is the same old shite but at least those people who are interested in what's happening are kept abreast of what's going on and being said.
Raising prices will deter new vapers, this will be felt first off by manufactures and eliquid producers, a race to the bottom, then perhaps stability for those that survive.
What I find unbelievable is that governments can quote blatant lies and use those as evidence to ban vaping yet we know and have truthful facts and figures about smoking, about drinking, about knife crime, about gambling....need I go on yet all these countries, including ours do buggar all about it.

Have a look at gambling "affordability checks" as you now have the situation whereby punters can have great difficulty even placing a bet and the black market is doing very nicely out of it and then there's you won't be able to buy cigarettes if you were born after 1/1/2009. Let's face it true and facts seem to of little interest these days especially if it gets in the way of the narrative.
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