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Is a rebuildable worth it ? Which one ?


New Member
Dec 4, 2013
Is a rebuildable worth the hassle of having to make them up ? I have a davide with aspire bdc heads sat on a provari atm , also if money was no object which one would you have ?
Is a rebuildable worth the hassle of having to make them up ? I have a davide with aspire bdc heads sat on a provari atm , also if money was no object which one would you have ?
Yes better vape better flavor,what would i have,the kraken from vicious ant,took the plunge and got one a couple of weeks ago,£120,then the next day seen the clone version on fastec for about a tenner,wounded:doh:
try out a cheep igo-? type dripper (barrel type one), avoid drippers that have non resistance to resistance to non resistance wires, cos then you need to buy special wires or make up your own and get a micro wealder thingy.the e-baron...annoying.. the trident= lovely.
I have just got my ithaka from FT and it has blown my socks away!
Just got my kraken to set up now.
Are they worth it....hell yes!!
Yes better vape better flavor,what would i have,the kraken from vicious ant,took the plunge and got one a couple of weeks ago,£120,then the next day seen the clone version on fastec for about a tenner,wounded:doh:

But that one for a tenner is beset with problems if you look at the line of threads moaning about it.

What you have should be glorious is my Hcigar version is anything to go by.
If you get what you want from what you already have, then no. Not worth it. If and when you get it set up right then its a possible yes. More options open up and once you pass the cliff face learning curve (seriously, so many say its dead easy when it is obviously not, it's an art ofvsome kind that once you can do it reliably and repeatedly makes it dead easy) produces resultsnyou can eventually tailor to your needs.

shinyitis once caught can take a while to be cured. Some never are cured.
rebuildables are a brilliant vape , but also i find them damn fun to do.

i got myself a trident clone a while bag and ive had no end of entertainment pissing about with builds on it. this afternoon i set up a diamond coil , its rough around the edges but took 10minutes to set up. it looks cool as *** because its 4 coils in one haha :D
Grey haze are doing the ud agi rba for 16quid I've just ordered one myself

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Is a rebuildable worth the hassle of having to make them up ? I have a davide with aspire bdc heads sat on a provari atm , also if money was no object which one would you have ?

In my case, not really. Took me a week to get it to work anything like ok. It now just sits there cos I can't be asked anymore.
The only way to find out for sure, if it's worth it for you. Is to get one and have a go.
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