Yes better vape better flavor,what would i have,the kraken from vicious ant,took the plunge and got one a couple of weeks ago,£120,then the next day seen the clone version on fastec for about a tenner,woundedIs a rebuildable worth the hassle of having to make them up ? I have a davide with aspire bdc heads sat on a provari atm , also if money was no object which one would you have ?
Yes better vape better flavor,what would i have,the kraken from vicious ant,took the plunge and got one a couple of weeks ago,£120,then the next day seen the clone version on fastec for about a tenner,wounded
Is a rebuildable worth the hassle of having to make them up ? I have a davide with aspire bdc heads sat on a provari atm , also if money was no object which one would you have ?
What problems are you having with you K clone MawsleyBut that one for a tenner is beset with problems if you look at the line of threads moaning about it.
What you have should be glorious is my Hcigar version is anything to go by.