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Is a rebuildable worth it ? Which one ?

I find rebuildables much less hassle than the CE5s and EVODs I started with. By using microcoils and cotton you don't need to recoil often, just take out the old cotton, burn any residue off the coil and then put in new cotton.
Yes, rebuildable a are totally worth it! I was spending around $15 for just a few cartos that would only last a little over a week or 2. Now I have an Igo-L and am spending less than $15 every couple of months, on wire and cotton. And that's about the amount I paid for the RDA. And a clone of the Igo-l goes for around $7 so you definitely you will definitely get your money's worth out of it. :) good luck!
Is a rebuildable worth the hassle of having to make them up ? I have a davide with aspire bdc heads sat on a provari atm , also if money was no object which one would you have ?

Well I started with protanks and moved onto rebuildable,s and hell it was a hassel till I found a way of doing coils and wicks I was happy with. 1st thing i rebuilt was a protank head. failed 3 times then I got it . I dont buy new kit i buy used from the forum sites that way i know the bugs are ironed out.
my best atty just now is an RH IAtty love it but I bought the NR wires already made
I bought an IGO-L from http://www.vapeescape.co.uk/ £11.95 and I would definitely recommend it. It's easy to set up and the flavour is as good as my Kayfun Lite + (but the kfl is a lot easier when I am out and about!)

I do wonder how much better the really top end drippers could be, as the flavour of the IGO is so good!
I can't use clearomisers now they don't really compare to rebuildables as far as my tastes go.
Tell you what, I had a 4-hole Nimbus clone turn up out of the blue after a good three months and with two 2ohm microcoils and cotton it is superb.

With three of Stealthvapes screws of destiny in place of the crap fixings it really is a blast.

So for cheapness and quality of vape it's got to be in the running.
i have a couple of kayfun clones and they are v good straight out the box, i have an rsst that needed a bit of drilling, its all about what you expect from the atty you buy

when i buy a clone i do not expect it to be as good as the original, if it gets close that will do me and some do! :thumbup:
personally I would go with the smoketech rsst rba atty as they are quite easy to rebuild for a novice
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