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Is it possible!!

big john

Jul 16, 2014
Guys I've got 2ltrs of bottle shots steeping at 10mg salt nic strength,problem I've got now is I can't bloody vape 10mg,the last couple of days I've been struggling so I've tried 3mg and back to normal now so question is can I dilute the 10mg down to 3mg or shall I just get shut tia
Make up a load without nic. Mix at a ratio of 2 nic free to 1 nic. That will drop it down to 3.33mg. Close enough. Exactly 3mg I need a calculator, so will leave it there :)
2 litres is a lot of juice…. :11: Yes, you can dilute it, but you’re going to need another few litres to do it :19:
That would take 4 more litres and be a total of 6! You won’t be doing any mixing for the foreseeable future!
@big john You've probably figured this out, but in the future, don't make big batches of juice with nic. I make up 5 litre batches of juice, but I don't add nic until I pour it from the 5 litre container into a 500ml container, which is convenient for me, but you could add nic to whatever size you want. Just adjust appropriately.
To get to 100ml of 3mg juice, mix 30ml of the nic juice with 70ml of nic free juice. That gets you to 3mg exactly.
@big john You've probably figured this out, but in the future, don't make big batches of juice with nic. I make up 5 litre batches of juice, but I don't add nic until I pour it from the 5 litre container into a 500ml container, which is convenient for me, but you could add nic to whatever size you want. Just adjust appropriately.
Out of interest what you got cooking? 5ltr means you found your unicorn.
Out of interest what you got cooking? 5ltr means you found your unicorn.

If it were that simple :)

I mix 1ltr Capella Sweet Strawberry with 4 litres of VG. That's what I have vaped for the last 4 years. Recently I have taken to adding premixed Drip Hacks Black Mamba at about 20% into the Strawberry base when I pour the 500ml bottle. So about 16% Sweet Strawberry and 4% Black Mamba.

I also have a pre-mixed juice on the go at the same time, just finished a Manabush Chiri Blonde and now on their Christmas Custard. Dabble in a bit of Prime Vapes as well, like the custards recently.

Both of those tanks are DTL. I do have an MTL tank going for more Manabush tobacco flavours.

But the root unicorn for me is quite simply Capella Sweet Strawberry. It has just worked for me for years. Am liking the addition of the Black Mamba, I think I was starting to feel like I was getting vapers tongue, having several tanks with different flavours on the go seems to have resolved that.
If it were that simple :)

I mix 1ltr Capella Sweet Strawberry with 4 litres of VG. That's what I have vaped for the last 4 years. Recently I have taken to adding premixed Drip Hacks Black Mamba at about 20% into the Strawberry base when I pour the 500ml bottle. So about 16% Sweet Strawberry and 4% Black Mamba.

I also have a pre-mixed juice on the go at the same time, just finished a Manabush Chiri Blonde and now on their Christmas Custard. Dabble in a bit of Prime Vapes as well, like the custards recently.

Both of those tanks are DTL. I do have an MTL tank going for more Manabush tobacco flavours.

But the root unicorn for me is quite simply Capella Sweet Strawberry. It has just worked for me for years. Am liking the addition of the Black Mamba, I think I was starting to feel like I was getting vapers tongue, having several tanks with different flavours on the go seems to have resolved that.
Lol faith restored .

not used sweet strawberry on its own but after a 100ml tester I’ve just mixed this up which is quite nice.

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