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Is this normal or just me ?

Heavy smokers and smokers who smoked 30 or so years (EX-smokers should I say) will have a very restricted flavor pallet due to only eating certain foods from muted taste etc (which is why salt, vinegar, sauces etc are usually a smokers best friend) they tend to only eat foods they know are going to be flavorsome and enjoyable thus restricting some people from enjoying many flavors which they may have tried and didn't like during their time smoking. You can rarely undo a 20+ year bad taste association with a flavor or food, and when you think you will love that flavor now that you do not smoke , most just end up being an amplified bad taste left in your mouth. Don't get me wrong there is no better time to try new flavors/foods than after giving up smoking and starting to vape, its each to their own as they say, stick to what works for you.
That makes a lot of sense. Thanks
Just to put my two-pennyworth in, I started on tobacco flavours, and within about 3 months tried some fruity flavours. There was no going back after that. At work I have an "emergency" bottle of juice (tobacco flavour), and I hate the smell of it. It probably wants chucking now, as I always take a spare bottle of whatever I'm on at the moment. My current favourite is mango, by Ciggy juice - also Green Steam by t-juice.
Why don't you try DIY? Then you can manipulate the flavour to what you like?
Just to put my two-pennyworth in, I started on tobacco flavours, and within about 3 months tried some fruity flavours. There was no going back after that. At work I have an "emergency" bottle of juice (tobacco flavour), and I hate the smell of it. It probably wants chucking now, as I always take a spare bottle of whatever I'm on at the moment. My current favourite is mango, by Ciggy juice - also Green Steam by t-juice.
Why don't you try DIY? Then you can manipulate the flavour to what you like?
I'm still preferring tobacco flavours more than anything at the moment. I've tried a couple from manabush which I didn't like to start with but are now growing on me. I do mix my own in a very loose sense as in if I have a paticularly strong flavour then I use another weak flavour to dilute it.
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